Rhode Island Red/Easter Egger cross


11 Years
Oct 10, 2008
Northern CA
I have a broody hen, and I wanted to give her about 3-4 eggs from my friend. She has Americannas and RIRs. I was just curious what that cross might look like, and if any body might have owned /own them. I would keep them for egg production the future Thank you!
I too am interested in this cross, I have a very able RRI gentelman and EE hens, I am interested in egg production and large dark colored eggs. Does anyone have any insite on this cross? Thank You
I am in the second week of brooding a big batch of RIR hens with a Easter Egger rooster. I figure that these two breeds have without a doubt the best production/family friendly/hardiness factors of any other breed. I was surprised that there is nothing on the web without the few exceptions of "accidents" about crossing these two breeds. I hope there is not a reason for not crossing! My plan is to cross two generations with selectivity of production of tinted eggs., reddish cream color chickens, and upwards of around a 7 pound bird. I'll let you know what happens with my experiment.
The gentleman gave his life to a hawk for his ladies. So at this time its' not a concern. Thank you;
I crossed an Easter Egger roo and a Production Red hen and this is what I got.

This is the Easter Egger daddy, Buddha.

This is the Production Red mom, Ivy.

This is the baby. She has production red coloring with muffs, a beard, peacomb, and green legs. She lays green eggs with a bit of an olive hue to them.

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