My duckling is panting


Jan 7, 2024
Hi! I'm new here so sorry if this is the wrong place. I have a duckling and a chick that I brought home last December 14, found them wandering at a school fair. Im not sure how old they are but my guess is by now they're around 4-5 weeks old? Recently my duckling has started panting when lying down, and if not panting then taking really quick breaths. He also sometimes stretches out one foot from under him. I used to have a heat lamp for them but I removed it around a week ago because I live in the Philippines so it already runs pretty warm where I am, and both birds seem to be doing fine without it. When the panting started, I'd either turn on a fan of the AC at night, which seemed to help, though sometimes I still see him panting. The duckling also sneezes a little bit, though not super often (which I'm wondering if maybe it's the bedding I'm using). His poop is also really runny and has a lot of white in it. Recently it's started to show more brown, but it's still pretty runny. I keep them in this sort of build it yourself dog cage with dayami hay for bedding (they used to be in a box but I took them out when they got bigger) inside my bedroom. Other than the panting and weird poop he seems fine, pretty active and voracious appetite. He also drinks a lot and I can see some pins growing in. I'm still worried though because he breathes really quickly sometimes and the AC already gets pretty cold. I'm worried it might be some sort of illness or infection, especially with the poop.

He doesn't have a direct access to a deep dish of water because I can't risk the chick getting wet, but I take him out multiple times a day to clean his nose/eyes and to swim around and his nose doesn't seem clogged. I feed him chick feed with brewers yeast mixed into it.
Ducklings get over heated very easily. Ducklings also have very runny poop even when healthy, so some pictures might help. Would it be possible to try a different bedding for a bit and see if that helps?
Ducklings get over heated very easily. Ducklings also have very runny poop even when healthy, so some pictures might help. Would it be possible to try a different bedding for a bit and see if that helps?
His poop looks like this! And for the different bedding I think I have stargrass hay coming on the way. I'm actually a bit annoyed right now because I ordered new hay that was supposed to have been delivered last Thursday and they just cancelled on me last night haha. I'll try and see if the different hay reduces sneezing :0


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