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  • Loving the Titan Incubator! Was some trial and error figuring out the correct height but now that’s all worked out and they love it!
    It’s been a big weekend, we framed up for the chicken coop, got the roof on, hoping to finish it this coming weekend (post to come when completed) - and tonight I ordered a titan heat plate for my chicks, going to get rid of that darn red light.
    We're thinking we want to get rid of the red lights as well. We find it alters their behaviour making them peck more and to be more restless. after all, it's hard to sleep with a big glowing light above your head!
    Ours seem to settle well enough but I just can’t imagine having that being on me all the time. Like a UFO tanning bed 🤣
    Step 1 done - for the area the coop is going all cleaned up! This weekend we can start the build!
    I just ordered my first 4 chickens! Blue australorp! So excited. They won’t be ready until the end of June so it’s going to be a long wait. But wooooooot!!!!
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