What did you do in the garden today?

What's up gardening people, can I come play?

Here is my plot this year... ran out of white board space lol


I grew almost everything from seed this year. I hope that was the right choice, I've never done onions that weren't sets. My first time doing potatoes.
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Good morning gardeners. Yesterday was a total washout. They got the weather forecast totally wrong. The afternoon showers they predicted started around 10:39 am and lasted until 9:30 pm. We got over 1 1/2 inches of rain. It’s too wet to do much outside. Grand kid has a soccer game later this morning, I’m hoping at least one of my lawn chairs will dry out by then. I’m going to try to do some mowing later this afternoon. Getting outside work done is a bit of a struggle with mid morning appointments cutting into my time. My pinto beans are coming up now. The lavender on the hill mixed with the oregano, mustard and grapevines are doing well. I really need to do some serious weeding up there.
Oh yes... It was stupid hot and humid today. DH was outside hanging laundry on the line. I was like "you know that's going to take FOREVER to dry in this humidity?!?!". Thirty minutes later he came back in the house and I thought he'd doused himself with the house. Um.. Nope. He was just sweating that badly. We pretty much stayed inside after that until dusk when it was cooler.

We've had over 8" of rain in the past 2 weeks. Mosquitoes are CRAZY at the moment.
Yes, nasty Mosquitoes & we've got those tiny little biting things...Rick called them "midges"? I thought he said "ninjas" 😆 Whatever they are, they attacked me the entire time I was addressing the darn nutsedge & Johnsongrass...I Still have little welts all over my face & hands from those little @$$holes!
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Well... I did it. I bought the Small Harvest Right freeze dryer. I have a farm table that's in a little breakfast nook in my kitchen. We don't eat there as it's right by the door to the garage, opting for the dining room instead. I'm just going to put it on that farm table... Not ideal but will have to do for now.
I laughed at your "for now"... that's a running joke in our family. Everything has a place "for now" but doesn't always find a different location :D;):lol:
Good morning Gardeners! A peaceful Sunday weather-wise. It's still cloudy, dreary & damp but not foggy & not misty nor rainy. I have eggs to wash & crate but I hope those biting insects aren't too bad because this afternoon I have some raking out of nutsedge balls to do, as much as possible before planting the tomatoes & basil.
That seems to be the complaint; it's a recent (last year or so) thing. I won't be recommending them anymore, and that makes me sad. Maybe in a year or two...? I'll try them again.

The letting it rest is for oils/fluids to settle, I'm guessing...?

What is the bread run?

I'm still on the "not getting one... yet" side of the fence.
Yes, to let the fluids settle. And the first time you run it, you do a whole loaf of cheap bread. Breaks you and it in, kind of thing.
I found out yesterday our electric fence still works! Ouch ⚡
This has to the best start of our garden so far!
Waiting for garden to dry a lil so I can do more weeding. Have to keep weeds in paths or I would slip on clay!
Beans have caught up and started blooming! Loving the chicken liter in garden 💕


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