What breed??


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2023
what do these look like?? My husband got them from our local co-op & wasn't told a breed. Just that they were hens & would lay brown eggs?? 😅

Also does this one look like it will be frizzle??
Can you call the co-op and see if they can tell you what breed they are or at least narrow down your choices?

There are a lot of different breeds where the chicks are yellow and will grow up to white hens that lay brown eggs. Leghorns are not one of those, leghorns lay white eggs so the brown egg thing eliminates them. The legs look yellow too so that eliminates Sussex and other white legged breeds. Some choices (some more likely than others) are White Wyandotte, Rhode Island White, White Rock, Delaware, or White Chantecler. There are probably some others that I missed. From a co-op I'd think White Rock and Delaware are most likely but would not totally rule out a Rhode Island White. They do not look like Cornish X chicks. Those are for meat and not eggs and are typically not sexed. I think you are safe there.

Those chicks probably came from a "pullet bin". If the co-op did not mix them up when they received them, each chick has about a 90% chance of being a girl. That's not 100% sure but not bad odds.

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