What are your plans today?


Professional Chicken Chaser
Jul 18, 2023
The Keystone State
What are you planning to do today?

My plans are taking care of the chickens, and chilling because it's raining here today. Watching Lone Star Law... btw - anyone else like this show?

Please be respectful and have fun!
Don't share overly personal information and follow BYC rules! šŸ˜
Work; In between or if meetings turn boring, check BYC; Watch chicken coop live cam to make sure bigs are being nice to littles; plan DIY planter box build; Brush dog; Eat, count calories to achieve Hawaii weight for upcoming Hawaii trip because I Work. lol. There is the circle of my life.
You and me both. I'm more pissed at this coon that I can't trap. At least the possums get distracted by feeders....sometimes.
If you are in the United States the Fish&Game Commission will send a Warden out that has more Critter Getters than you can shake a stick at! šŸ˜‚

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