The Moonshiner's Bootleg Incubator Reviews And Discussions

Moony, next time you feel like making an incubator, you should ask your local schools to keep you in mind if they need to replace any cafeteria coolers instead of paying for it to be dumped or taken somewhere
This is a most excellent idea.
How big are they?
Leave her at home next time :lau
What kinds did they have?
Funny thing is, she was there to keep me from buying everything in sight, yet it was her and my youngest daughter that came home with something. And my grandson won a pair of show-quality Aylesbury ducks! I ended up with... nothing. Not even a rock.

I'm not sure what kind, but they were kind of half-chest, see-through plexiglass things. Big square things. One went for only $25! 😭
I've heard some bad reviews about it. Mostly the cradle motor going out.
Supposedly everything works on this one and I've been wanting one for a long time.
Good or bad it's a really unique design so I really needed it.
I have the RCom cradle design one also with the humidity pump so I feel a head to head challenge coming up.

I've heard the same about the cradle motor. Here's hoping you have better success with it! :fl

When I first got my Octagon, I hatched maybe one time a year at most, so manually turning it (by rolling the whole incubator!) a few times a day for a few weeks was no big deal for me. Now I hatch more, so I use it as my hatcher and let my Ovation autoturn my eggs for me. Either way, the Octagon has always been rock steady for temperature, even in a room where minor temp swings happen, and heats up in no time at all. 😁

I've never tried an RCom, but definitely interested in how they compare :pop
So Ive had eggs in my hoovabator for 2 1/2 weeks and the eggs that did develop died early. I can't get it to stay a consistent temp. At one point it'll be 99F, then it'll got down to 95F, then to 97F then to 100F and back around. Sometimes reaching up to 102F.

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