The Moonshiner's Bootleg Incubator Reviews And Discussions

Got this one today. It's new but I assume the older model because of the style of humidity pump.

Should get this one tomorrow. I meant to get one last year since they're pretty inexpensive and might make a good starter incubator. I wanted to see how well they do.
I've seen a few that looked the same except different graphics. When I saw this one I just had to get it. How cool is that graphic?
5a34f2b9-2b8e-4430-9233-4c0d2ca9c69c.__CR0,0,970,600_PT0_SX970_V1___ (1).jpg
Got this one today. It's new but I assume the older model because of the style of humidity pump.
View attachment 3742935
Should get this one tomorrow. I meant to get one last year since they're pretty inexpensive and might make a good starter incubator. I wanted to see how well they do.
I've seen a few that looked the same except different graphics. When I saw this one I just had to get it. How cool is that graphic?
View attachment 3742939
Oh those look fun!!
I've also been watching the price drop on the maticoopx. I saw them for $125. I was tempted just because I'm a fan and idk if you can beat one for performance times price.
I refrained because I really don't need two. But then I saw these. It looks like a knock off only smaller. 4 trays instead of 5. And barely over $100.
A bit smaller and a different brand name. That makes it totally different right? Different enough that it should be tried out? 🤔
Thanks, I needed a reminder to get a few fans replaced before the hens start laying.
Ya I'll need to do some calendar mathing and figure out when I need to get boys separated from some girls to ensure pure breeding before long.
About 90% done setting all my breeding groups for my heritage turkeys. 6 breeding pens done 2 more to go. 3 days ago, I seen a hen looking like she had been trodden on. Today 2 hens in same pen look mated and feathers in pen. Better get the doghouse nesting boxes cleaned and set. Usually don't see eggs until mid-March, Last year this same Fall fire hen started laying earlier than I ever had eggs before. Looks like her and her sister are going to be first this year also.
About 90% done setting all my breeding groups for my heritage turkeys. 6 breeding pens done 2 more to go. 3 days ago, I seen a hen looking like she had been trodden on. Today 2 hens in same pen look mated and feathers in pen. Better get the doghouse nesting boxes cleaned and set. Usually don't see eggs until mid-March, Last year this same Fall fire hen started laying earlier than I ever had eggs before. Looks like her and her sister are going to be first this year also.
You having good weather over there?
We've sqeaked into the 60s a few days. Crazy since a couple or three weeks ago we were struggling to get up to 0.
I'm so ready for spring.
Ya 50 today haven't had much of a winter here had some really cold a week or so ago for a few weeks and that's about it this winter. Been a muddy mess most of the winter. But ya this unusually warm winter here and Toms have been ready for a month now but then what male isn't always ready.
I'm gonna have to ask...... have a incubator? What kind?

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