The Moonshiner's Bootleg Incubator Reviews And Discussions

Uh, I'm a guy. You think I know what that is?
It's super handy stuff though! I use it in the utensil drawers in the kitchen and in the shelves of my metal toolbox in the garage to keep my tools from rolling about when I open the drawers. Walmart, hardware stores, and Amazon all have it in lots of versions. Just cut it with scissors to fit the space, and it's disposable. Sometimes I even use it under waterers and feeders to make sure they don't slip off their supports in the brooder.
It's super handy stuff though! I use it in the utensil drawers in the kitchen and in the shelves of my metal toolbox in the garage to keep my tools from rolling about when I open the drawers. Walmart, hardware stores, and Amazon all have it in lots of versions. Just cut it with scissors to fit the space, and it's disposable. Sometimes I even use it under waterers and feeders to make sure they don't slip off their supports in the brooder.
I just trace the circle insert piece and cut it that way…can’t really do that in lockdown but could trace around the turner and quickly move eggs to put it in if you want. Much easier to clean the incubator after too, as it keeps a bunch of the gunk from falling through.
I just trace the circle insert piece and cut it that way…can’t really do that in lockdown but could trace around the turner and quickly move eggs to put it in if you want. Much easier to clean the incubator after too, as it keeps a bunch of the gunk from falling through.
I placed the incubator lid on top of the shelf liner, traced around the lid with a Sharpie or ballpoint pen, then cut it about half an inch inwards from the line. Fit the entire bottom tray perfectly.

Momma chickens get off their nests for at least 1/2 an hour every day even during lockdown, so I figured I had that much time to trim the shelf liner, put it in, and transfer the eggs around without it being much of an issue. Before putting it into the incubator, I washed and dried my shelf liner with soap and water, and then soaked it with peroxide/alcohol and then dried it, and then put it in. So you can do that if you want to, but it's probably not necessary - many folks just put it straight in. When covered with poop in the brooder, or hatch debris, I just toss it.
I figured if the eggs tried rolling very much I'd just put a little loop of duct tape under each one. Your alls idea may be more sensible.
But then again mine also stops hatched chicks from bowling eggs around. 🤔
I have been using NR 360s since I found one in 2020. Since then I have added two more. I love their almost automatic incubation. For the past two years they were pretty foolproof and a big step up from the Little Giant I previously used. However, this year there have been several problems with hatches that have required me to babysit the units to rule them out as a cause.

I did buy the risers for hatching and I would highly recommend them. They are harder to fit onto the bottom than the lid. But once on they don't move and the lid fits easier onto the riser than the bottom.

I haven't had to do much for humidity historically. As I live in Western Washington base humidity is around 30 percent. I add water to bring hatching up to 50ish. Has worked well.

Now I am looking at upgrading to a cabinet next year.
I appreciate a photo of the command hooks as I’ve been wondering how that helps. The photos leave me more confused! Are the hooks to help lift the lid or to help line it back up during placement?

I have a strip of patterned washi tape, cut horizontally at the seam of lid and base, instead of permanent marker.

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