Sick budgie


Jan 27, 2022
I just got 2 new budgies and one looks sick. He is constantly panting, breathing with an open mouth, sometimes with a whistling or clicking sound, along with tail bobbing.

I have 3 other budgies at home, but I am not yet home. I'll be going home with the 2 new birds in 2 days. My concern is the new bird's health and the health of my other 3 birds.

Vet is not really an option, as my local vet doesn't take birds and the soonest I can get to an avian vet is a few months, which is too long.

Are there any ways to treat him or make sure whatever he has isn't contagious?? I'm so worried.
Keep the new birds in a separate area of your house, as far away from the other birds as you can. Also, change your clothes and wash your hands thoroughly after handling the new birds.

Other than that I don’t know, an avian vet would be the best option.
You bought a sick bird so I'd take it back. Nobody should be selling any animal that's sick.

I've had one macaw for about 20 years and another for 10, and they've never been sick so I'd say there's something up with this deal.

If one of mine started doing that, I'd get the VetRx out of the chicken meds box and rub a small dot under each of its wings and a smudge near its nostrils. That's like Vicks so doesn't cure anything but would help him breath better. They make vitamins for budgies water, I'd be sure to give vitamins too to help it get over whatever's wrong.
After watching them for over a week I came to the conclusion it was most likely due to stress and being absolutely terrified. He only did it after I reached in the cage to change food or water and he flew around the cage like crazy. The other bird I bought with him didn't have any issues. Both are more settled in and are acting like normal budgies now. They're chirping, playing with toys, eating, and preening each other. I think he'll be alright, but I will continue to watch him.

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