Rooster has a nostril cut in half


Nov 22, 2023

In the afternoon, I have noticed one of my roosters - Rocky - has a nostril cut in half...!!

Here is a picture :


I actually don't know if I have to do something for him : Rocky is not in pain, and his cut is not bloody or nothing...


...I am afraid he would hurt himself - because it is not noticeable on the pictures I took, but the cut part in the front of the nostril is raised, and it is not natural... and what if it is stuck somewhere, and teared out or something...?

So, I would really appreciate it if somebody could recommend something, or just tell me if I have to help Rocky OR just let him be...?
(First time I see this kind of wound, so I'm kind of lost...!)

Thank you!
I think I would simply monitor this - doubt that a real problem will arise.


Thank you for answering!

Now I noticed his cut, I will keep watching Rocky - of course...

I'm embarrassed to admit I don't even know how it could have happened, or even WHEN it happened - since I only was able to see the cut today because of a ray of sunshine (which is becoming rare) hitting Rocky's face just when I looked at him...

I hope you are right and it will become nothing serious, at least...!!

(Would you happen to know if his nostril will eventually heal to return to its normal shape?)

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