Pipd's Peeps!

These are Buck's babies, Judy's nieces and nephews. Hopefully mostly nieces. šŸ¤­

Ah, I have one kind of like that as well! She's also lost her broody privileges. She's broody right now and her butt went straight to jail. :rant

Congrats on the babies so far!! :fl for lots of Dusty's babies!

All 5 of the Buck babies are out, and all 5 are Blue as expected when you cross Splash to Blue. :yesss: Obviously that's a pretty small sample size so I'll be keeping an eye out for Splashes in future hatches, just in case.

Here are the four that hatched overnight. Major cuteness overload! :love

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The little early bird was out and about with the week-olds this morning, already learning the ropes šŸ„° When I tucked the four from overnight in there under the EcoGlow, that little one happily joined them, probably pretty happy to have someone less energetic to cuddle with.
They are adorable! Whoop whoop!

Awe, that's cute the early bird joined the Itty Bitty ones!
They're all starting to get active now, learning how to eat and drink from the older bitties. Oh my goodness, these little weensy tinies bobbling around among the week-olds is way too cute šŸ„°


Hard to believe that they were just as tiny only a week ago :th


Also, yes, we have poo everywhere already despite that I switched the towel out before moving the little ones in yesterday. šŸ˜… I'm going to get things set up to finally move the big kids outside today and then these babies can move to the bigger brooder in a few days once the tinies have their feet under them better.
All moved outside! ...Yeah, they were long overdue at 6 weeks of age. :oops: Between all the rain we've been having and everything else I've got going on, it just took me a bit to get the opportunity to set them up. We're currently all moving as a unit as we get accustomed to our new surroundings. šŸ¤­




Some of the older girls realizing what I've done šŸ¤£ This is Wynne (white EE in the background), Merlin (EE peeking in from the right), and Tessa ('dark gray Dorking' front and center).

Delphine's eggs don't appear to be developing. šŸ™ I'm hoping it's because the other hens kept bugging her and booting her off her nest to lay eggs in there and not because Buck has decided not to breed the girls anymore or something. I've set her up with a cage around her nest now and will check her eggs again on Thursday, day 7 for them, and replace them with fresh ones if they still look clear by then. Usually I can see veining by now, though, so I really think they're shot.

I've still got to get Morena set up on a nest as well, but now I'm nervous that she'll have the same problem, and I really don't have room in that side of the coop to put a cage up around a nest... :barnie Chickens!

Oh, and the kiddos survived their first night outside! :love They're still very unsure of their new surroundings, but they seem to be doing fine despite the cooler morning temps.
Oof, hope everyone's safe down there after the storms! And that your power came back up fast for your eggs :fl
Power was back up at 8pm ish. Hatcher only got down to 97, the incubators that were on day 1 and day 2 where down to 88. I had 3 towls on the Hatcher. Lost one of the brood momas babies to drowning, had to move an outdoor brooder baby to the garage for warmth. The garage holds heat pretty well. Pulled lates from the silkie/brahma/Crevecoeur hatch. Opened them up and one quit before or right at lockdown and the other two quit in or just after as yoke was gone but they didn't look positioned right. So lost two dark brahma and one silkie. The others were from Dustys pen and most didn't make it from the ones that were close to hatch time. Still have 3 in the Hatcher along with the Blue brassyback rosecombs. They are talking up a storm and moving.

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