Pipd's Peeps!

I opened the air cell on the last egg, just enough to see, and the little one is confirmed dead. Not sure why, as it was positioned correctly, but it just never broke through the inner membrane into the air cell. 🙁

So, 9 babies :love The last one is a bit matted still from being glued into her egg, so I brushed her gently with a toothbrush to help her fluff out more. She's still getting her legs underneath her, so I left her in the incubator for the time being so she wouldn't get trampled by the rest of them, who are starting to get more active now.

Here are the other 8 in the brooder! 😍 In pictures it looks like I got a bunch of Blacks, but in person, it looks like I got a bunch of Blues. 🤔 Some of them are tricky to tell for sure, but I do think I got more Blues than Blacks based on how they look to the naked eye. We'll see once they start feathering!

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This little Blue baby is the one whose foot was by the shell when I candled at day 14 :love I've been calling her 'Wash' because I also had to wash her egg off a little bit before I set it. I thought it was kind of a cute homage to that. 😊

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I'm sure there will be plenty more pictures to come, especially once baby 9 is out and about :love They are simply too precious!!

Often they die between internal or external pip and hatching if the organs do not start up correctly. There is a switch from getting support from the yolk to getting it on their own.

It is a similar reason why some die at three days old but more related to kidney failure.
That's sad. 🙁 But, obviously, nothing can be done for it when it happens.

Here are the nine little ones this morning! Making a mess already 😩 But they're cute enough, I can let it slide. ;)


I've got to get some pictures of them with the good camera today. Slightly grainy cell pics from above just don't capture the sheer magnitude of all this cuteness! :love
Here they are! 😍 :love Lethal levels of cuteness ahead!! They're in hatch order and I labeled each full-body picture with their color as well!

Baby 1 - Wash.jpg
Baby 1 face.jpg

Baby 2.jpg
Baby 2 face.jpg
Baby 3.jpg
Baby 3 face.jpg
Baby 4.jpg
Baby 4 face.jpg
Baby 5.jpg
Baby 5 face.jpg
Baby 6.jpg
Baby 6 face.jpg

(Baby 7 I originally thought was Blue, but now that she's dried off further, I think she's actually a light-colored Black baby. Time will tell!)

Baby 7.jpg
Baby 7 face.jpg
Baby 8.jpg
Baby 8 face.jpg
Baby 9.jpg
Baby 9 face.jpg

And a few extras, here's baby Wash's booty :love :love :love

Baby 1 Wash booty.jpg

And a couple group shots! They're still young enough that they mostly stay where I put them, though getting them all to look at the camera at the same time proved to be a challenge 🤣

peeps in a row.jpg

bunches of babies.jpg

I'm in love already :love They're just so stinkin' cute!!
Here they are! 😍 :love Lethal levels of cuteness ahead!! They're in hatch order and I labeled each full-body picture with their color as well!

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(Baby 7 I originally thought was Blue, but now that she's dried off further, I think she's actually a light-colored Black baby. Time will tell!)

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And a few extras, here's baby Wash's booty :love :love :love

View attachment 2692877

And a couple group shots! They're still young enough that they mostly stay where I put them, though getting them all to look at the camera at the same time proved to be a challenge 🤣

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I'm in love already :love They're just so stinkin' cute!!
How Sweet!
Babies today! :love :love :love We made the move to the big brooder because this is entirely too many babies for the baby bin and they were making a huge mess. 🤣 After a couple of hours of reassurance, they seem to have accepted their new home and settled in.

1 new brooder confusion.jpg
Baby 2 and Baby 3 eating.jpg
Baby 3 ecoglow.jpg
Baby 7 booty.jpg

Wash and Harley eating.jpg

The little one with the zoomies here is Harley, previously Baby 8. They all go to the waterer at the same time, no exceptions, to drink right now. :love

Harley go zoom.jpg

And the aftermath of zoomies to the waterer is a bunch of sleepy babies 🤣 😍 :love

Sleepy babies.jpg
Wash and Harley crashed.jpg
Wash and other baby sleeping.jpg
It's hatch day for the Orpingtons, but it's looking kind of bleak at this point... Out of 15 eggs, I had a bunch of blood rings and failures to develop, leaving me with 6 eggs by day 14. One died just before lockdown, so down to 5. As of this morning, I have 2 internally pipped and one drawn down and moving a lot, but the last two appear dead. Three chicks, assuming they all three hatch. One Crele and two Chocolate Mottled. I sure hope I get at least one female out of them. I only got them to add a couple pretty girls to my flock and had no plans to keep any males. :(

The silkied Cochin babies are doing great, though! One week old today and I've started to move them over to pine shavings for bedding. They're rambunctious little stinkers who all want my constant attention when I'm in the room, and they're so cute that it's hard not to stare at them when I'm in there. :love I'll have to get pictures again today for their one week hatchiversary. :p I haven't been great at keeping up with weekly pictures so far this year, but I want to get back into that. I love having those pictures to look back on once they're older! 😊
One of the Chocolate Mottleds is now an air breather - we have an external pip! :wee I can't get a picture because of the angle through the incubator lid, but that's one baby on the way!! The baby bin brooder is warming up as we speak! :jumpy

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