Pipd's Peeps!

Haha, I'll bet! We got about 3 inches total, maybe 4, it's hard to tell. This morning, we're looking like a winter wonderland. :th

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The OEGBs and molters are doing surprisingly well, though I am a bit worried about Bry since she's so naked, and she looks like she's shivering a bit... The OEGBs just seem a bit grumpy, though. :p I had to move the two pullets off the feed bin to get everyone fed for the day and they were grumbling the whole way.
It is very pretty to see!

We had a broken pipe once when I was growing up in the orchard. It was cold enough for the water to freeze on the trees. It was a winter wonderland scene.

Even further up North where I grew up, we do not get moisture along with cold. The storms come in from the pacific ocean and are nearly always warm. We can get brief snow or sleet at the end of a storm when the wind changes for Southerly to northerly.

It happened here in Woodland twice in the 27 years that I have lived here. The snow was gone within hours though
Wow, that sounds very pretty--although the broken pipe probably took away from that! We've had freezing rain here that's left the trees sparkling with ice before. A pretty effect until you have to go out in it. :p Very jealous of the lack of snow over there after my day!

We're set to get just the edge of lake effect snow overnight on top of what we already got, with a low of -3° F. :th I've already brought in Bryony and Ihi, the last two molters who are partly naked, into the basement where it's cooler than room temp but warmer than outside at least. The OEGBs probably will be next. Waiting to see how they look in an hour or two once the cold really starts setting in... :hmm
Wow, that sounds very pretty--although the broken pipe probably took away from that! We've had freezing rain here that's left the trees sparkling with ice before. A pretty effect until you have to go out in it. :p Very jealous of the lack of snow over there after my day!

We're set to get just the edge of lake effect snow overnight on top of what we already got, with a low of -3° F. :th I've already brought in Bryony and Ihi, the last two molters who are partly naked, into the basement where it's cooler than room temp but warmer than outside at least. The OEGBs probably will be next. Waiting to see how they look in an hour or two once the cold really starts setting in... :hmm
It was very Pretty to see the frozen branches!

We make up for the lack of snow with heat in the summer
Ah, good point... Honestly, as worried as I get for my girls in the cold, excessive heat scares me a whole lot more. :hmm

Gonna have to find somewhere that's a perfect 70° F or so year round. I wonder how hard it would be to get 60+ adult chickens to Hawaii... :p
Ah, good point... Honestly, as worried as I get for my girls in the cold, excessive heat scares me a whole lot more. :hmm

Gonna have to find somewhere that's a perfect 70° F or so year round. I wonder how hard it would be to get 60+ adult chickens to Hawaii... :p
Parts of California down by LA and Hawaii work for good weather but they are expensive!

North Carolina is another good place.

More details here:

Haha, yup, me three with Indiana. :D

Well, so far we're up to four birds inside. I checked in on everyone and Winston and Sybil were dusky-combed, so in they came. Vega and Altair are snuggled deep in the bloomers of a giant, fluffy Cochin and seem okay, and the three OEGB cockerels don't seem too bothered by the cold so far despite not being buried in fluff like their sisters. :fl I may bring the two pullets in anyway just so I can sleep tonight. We're not as cold as we're expected to be yet and it's already pretty bitter... If anything happened to either of those two because I decided to chance it, I'd just be so heartbroken. :hmm
Okay, I made my mind up on the OEGB pullets.

I was getting ready for bed and I thought I would check one last time. The OEGB girls were snugged down and totally fine in between Cazzie and Rooska, so I was sure I was going to brave it and leave them out for the night.

On Cazzie's other side, Callette was blue-combed. Straight up blue-combed. So, in she went to the basement pen with Ihi and Bry. I hadn't latched the coop on my way out with her, so I had to make one last trip out to latch it and thought I would grab Winston and Sybil's waterer while I was at it so it could thaw overnight and they'd have water in the morning.

In the amount of time it took me to take Callette downstairs and get back up there, Caz had shifted away from the OEGB girls into the space Callette had been occupying, and the teeny-tiny now exposed to the cold was already getting a dusky hue to her comb. Just from a few minutes without Caz snugged by her. That was it--in they came!

Sigh... Oh, well. At least I'll be able to sleep soundly tonight knowing they're okay. Good night, everyone!

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