Pipd's Peeps!

:celebrate Thanks! I'm so happy! Lots of peeper cuteness happening here! I moved Six to the brooder this morning when I got up. She's totally dry, but not quite fully fluffed up yet, and still wobbly, of course. I imagine she'll be bobbling around with the rest of them by tomorrow. :love I took individual pictures of them this morning, along with a couple shots of them in the brooder. It'll be easier to take more brooder pics of them once they're eating well and more active. For now, I have a cardboard wall up to keep them a little closer to the EcoGlow and their food and water, but that makes it pretty difficult to get the camera in the brooder!

Anyway, the pictures! Here are each of them individually. It took me a while to get Six to stand up for her picture, so that's likely where the attitude on her face is coming from. That doesn't explain Trois and Quatre, though. :rolleyes: In hindsight, I kind of wish I'd gone rainbow order with those leg band colors so I could more easily remember who is who, but oh well! :lol: This is 'egg number' order, not hatch order (which would have been Trois, Cinq, Deux, Un, Quatre, and then Six).


Brooder pictures--don't mind the little 'leavings'! ;)

Guess who rushed out to ruin an adorable picture of the six of them lined up under the EcoGlow!! :rant

Camera hog strikes again.jpg

Peeking peepers. :love Cinq is already quite large compared to the others... Hmmm...

peeking peepers.jpg

And then there's this adorable move that they always do with heat plates. :love:love I love Quatre's patchy li'l face. :love
peeking peeper.jpg
Oh my goodness, they are so cute! I'm getting chick fever over here, I don't currently have any birds that I can hatch from and I won't be getting any locally. I love chicks :love but hatching is so fun too and I'm worried about how shipped eggs would do.
Hey @pipdzipdnreadytogo !

For some reason I completely disregarded your signature and it didn't register with me that you had this thread. I think you should post on IN to... (just saying). But I'm going to keep watch here. I probably won't go back and read everything if that's okay, so I'll probably ask ignorant questions because...well...I'm ignorant of the thread so far!

Oh my goodness, they are so cute! I'm getting chick fever over here, I don't currently have any birds that I can hatch from and I won't be getting any locally. I love chicks :love but hatching is so fun too and I'm worried about how shipped eggs would do.

Aw, yeah, I understand that. I'm a bit gun-shy on shipped eggs after the call ducks I tried to hatch years ago. Of course, call ducks are already difficult to hatch, and then you add shipping on top of that... :hmm Yeah, that wasn't very well thought out.

Personally, I find hatching to be a mix of excitement and stress and anticipation and delight. It's a lot of fun, but it's also stressful making sure everything is just so. And it's hard to get much done when you're glued to the incubator watching eggs that still have weeks to go before they even can hatch, checking the temperature 30 times a minute, counting and recounting the days until hatch... :lol:

Hey @pipdzipdnreadytogo !

For some reason I completely disregarded your signature and it didn't register with me that you had this thread. I think you should post on IN to... (just saying). But I'm going to keep watch here. I probably won't go back and read everything if that's okay, so I'll probably ask ignorant questions because...well...I'm ignorant of the thread so far!


Nah, don't worry about reading or asking questions. Mostly this is just my ramblings and such about my birds when things I find noteworthy happen, so nothing to write home about. :) I have been neglecting the Indiana thread in recent months, though. When the semester gets busy, I tend only to throw a post together here a few times a month just to keep it up to date, and then other things fall by the wayside. :oops: I'll try to be more attentive over there, too.
I know that we'd love to see your posts over at the IN thread. There are so many people that just love to see the photos and the new folks like to ask questions about anything chicken. Your input would be greatly appreciated by all!!!

Besides that...
I want you to see my new babies when the come later. I have no SFH right now. Plan is 6 Dominiques from a breeder, possibly 2 silver laced orps if I can work that out, 3 Buff O's hoping for a broody, and 2 EE's. My current flock is only 5 and 3 of them are 6 years old this year.
Can do. :) Especially the pictures! :D

Yay, when are they coming? I'm always game for baby pictures! :love Remind me, what do you have left in your flock? Buckeyes, right?
:celebrate Thanks! I'm so happy! Lots of peeper cuteness happening here! I moved Six to the brooder this morning when I got up. She's totally dry, but not quite fully fluffed up yet, and still wobbly, of course. I imagine she'll be bobbling around with the rest of them by tomorrow. :love I took individual pictures of them this morning, along with a couple shots of them in the brooder. It'll be easier to take more brooder pics of them once they're eating well and more active. For now, I have a cardboard wall up to keep them a little closer to the EcoGlow and their food and water, but that makes it pretty difficult to get the camera in the brooder!

Anyway, the pictures! Here are each of them individually. It took me a while to get Six to stand up for her picture, so that's likely where the attitude on her face is coming from. That doesn't explain Trois and Quatre, though. :rolleyes: In hindsight, I kind of wish I'd gone rainbow order with those leg band colors so I could more easily remember who is who, but oh well! :lol: This is 'egg number' order, not hatch order (which would have been Trois, Cinq, Deux, Un, Quatre, and then Six).

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Brooder pictures--don't mind the little 'leavings'! ;)

Guess who rushed out to ruin an adorable picture of the six of them lined up under the EcoGlow!! :rant

View attachment 1284462

Peeking peepers. :love Cinq is already quite large compared to the others... Hmmm...

View attachment 1284466

And then there's this adorable move that they always do with heat plates. :love:love I love Quatre's patchy li'l face. :love
View attachment 1284465
Does the ecoglow adjust as the chicks grow?
Yes, it has three height settings. It's really difficult to adjust, though, compared to other models of heat plates. I really love heat plates for brooding chicks, but to be honest I'd probably go with Premier1's version rather than another Brinsea if I were to get another, as it has a much better method of adjustment on its legs. :)

I've been working on getting through the chick sexing methods for my experiment page this morning, so no good pictures. I grabbed a few shots with my cell phone while I was up there, but they're truly awful because it was still darkish in there and that camera is lousy when it has to use flash. I wouldn't share them at all, but the subjects are cute enough to make up for the bad picture quality. :love

Having breakfast. :love Of course, Trois is moving. :rolleyes:

Wake up call.jpg

Little Six is finally up and around. :love Not sure why they were waiting in line like this for the EcoGlow. :lol:

Peeps in a row.jpg

This one's really bad quality, but I couldn't resist Quatre's face on the right. :love

Heat plate confusion.jpg

I think they're going to graduate to shavings today and the cardboard wall will come down, so more (better) pictures are to come. :)
I have some better peeper pictures that I'm working on cropping and watermarking to post. For now, here's a pic I had to grab with my cell phone before I had my camera on hand--Un gets quite comfortable when she goes under the EcoGlow to nap. :lol:

Un is comfy.jpg

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