Pipd's Peeps!

They are so cute. Did you have 6 eggs total? Do you think their all going to hatch? This is so exciting I love all the different colors. Thanks for sharing the pics.
There were 5 eggs total, and so far it looks like all 5 will hatch! Just waiting on the last one! :fl It's SO exciting, and they're so cute I can hardly stand it! :love It's been a little while (read: a few minutes :lol: ) since I checked on that last little eggie--guess I'm just going to have to go check again!!

EDIT: It was hatching when I got up there!! All 5 babies are hatched!! :weee :jumpy :ya

Here's Baby Ω (Omega)! :love So far, he looks like Lucky. Terrible cell phone picture made worse because I had to shine a flashlight into the incubator to see him!

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Here they are!! :love :love :love Left to right, we have Onesie, then Omega in front of Baby A, then Alphie all the way at the back, and then Lucky:


This was just too adorable. Alphie and Baby A under the EcoGlow :love


Alphie trying to figure out if Baby A is asleep :love :love The little stinker!


And a bunch'a sleepy babies! :love I believe that's Alphie's rear end on the left, then I THINK Lucky (but it might be Omega), then Onesie, then Baby A. You can kind of see Omega (or is that Lucky?) in the background between Baby A's legs.


They are still quite sleepy, especially Onesie and Omega, but starting to get more active. Baby A and Alphie have even started stretching their wings a little! :love They are so cute!!

I also took pictures of their baby down so that I can keep track of how they look now compared to when they're all feathered in. This is in order of hatch:

Baby A:










They can all be told apart, so I'm leaving them un-banded for now. Alphie is more reddish than Onesie, and Onesie's head is yellow, so they're pretty easy to tell. Lucky and Omega are harder, but Lucky has a darker head. I did band Onesie and Omega with zip ties, but Onesie managed to get her band off, so I went ahead and took Omega's off, too. Their feet are so small that I had to zip those zip ties really small, so it was making me nervous to have them on anyway. Worse comes to worse, I can take some food coloring or something and mark them like I did with the Silkie babies last spring.

Oh, and I've decided not to officially name them until I'm sure who's a boy and who's a girl, so (with the possible exception of Baby A because that's just kind of strange) this is what I'll be calling them until then. :)
Oh so cute. Now the buff ones will they turn red like the mom and dad? I love that red coloring. Thanks so much for sharing their pics Iove them already.
In theory, yes. I think Alphie particularly will be red like her parents. Onesie is lighter, so she might end up being the same, maybe lighter, or maybe something entirely different! And the fun part will be finding out! :D

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