Pipd's Peeps!

Oh, good luck getting started in college! Honestly, I was terrified when I started, but once I got in there it wasn't so bad. I've had a few tough classes, but overall nothing I couldn't do. At least so far.

This is my first Physics class ever, so it's been pretty scary. However, after lecture yesterday I do feel a bit better about it. I just need to review my math so that I can keep up with it and I think I'll get by. Lab is a whole other beast, and from the sounds of it I managed to pick the harder grader of the two TAs for it. :he Organic lecture hasn't been bad at all, but lab for it has me terrified as well. We went over our glassware and supplies yesterday and went through a whole 2-hour-long safety and protocol lecture, no experiments this week. I guess next week I'll know how screwed I am there! :lol:
Physics is basically an extra evil math-like class that is required for certain majors even when it won't ever be used later on in them, basically there to make students as miserable as possible. I think that about covers it, haha! Thanks for the luck! :) I'm jealous of your day, wanna trade? :lol:

Extra evil math......I think all math is evil :oops:
I'm a firm believer that the only good math is chicken math. ;) Chicken math gets you cute chickens. Regular math just gets you headaches and frustration. :tongue
So it's been a while since I updated. The past week has been nothing short of ugly--and it was only the second week of the semester! :th But I made it through!

Anyway, I've pretty much spent my weekend with the chickens so far. Didn't think to get the camera out until today, though! But here's a bunch of pictures from today to make up for that. :D

Here's Roha! :lol:


Cazzie perched. She's so fluffy! :love


She Who in a dust bath. She was broody this week, so she's enjoying her freedom now that she's out of the broody buster. :rolleyes:


This is their day spa right now, tucked away under the bushes a few yards off their deck. :D


Skua, looking for food. :rolleyes: Sorry, dear, the camera is not edible.


Elly cuddles! :love :love


Endymion giving me dirty looks from behind Izzy. :rolleyes:


This picture shows how BIG Umru is getting, or at least it kind of does. That's a 2-gallon bucket he's next to.


I think this one shows his size better. He's on your basic, common cinderblock here. His LEGS. :eek:


Umru has such funny faces sometimes. :lol:


Look at my fluffy Cazzie giving me looks! :love She is such a sweetheart!


Flury, on the other hand, is so pretty and floofy, but does NOT like to be touched. :/ Oh, well.


Mabel posing, because obviously she's fabulous.


My precious young Dorking girls, Lydda and Callette. :love :love :love Callette moved, but this one was too cute not to share.


Rooska roosting. That's almost a tongue twister! :lol:


Here's Iddy Biddy having a rest.


Winty, looking handsome. His brother, Ben, went into quarantine with the silkied Cochins to finish their quarantine. They'll be joining the flock next weekend if all goes well. :D


Indigo looking completely shocked to see me. :lol:


She's so pretty and fuzzy!! :love


Last one here is Callette getting some cuddles. :love Such a sweetie.


We're heading into molting season, lots of feathers all over the place out there! The duckies (and a few of the hens) have already molted and are looking nice now. My egg count has been lowered since the heat wave we had a few weeks ago, but in spite of the molting going on, I've been getting a few more eggs than usual. I'm not sure, but I think Indigo may have started to lay. I'm working on confirming this. Summer's definitely over, sigh... But at least the weather has been nice and mild! :)

Oh, and I've sent my order in to get on the waiting list for my chicks next spring!! :D I'll hopefully be getting lots more Dorkings of different colors and some more Marans next year! They'll be straight run, so I got a LOT of extra chicks (11 Dorkings and 8 Marans) with the hopes I'd get a few pullets of each! I'm not going to name any of them until they are definitely female, because the boys will unfortunately have to go. I'm excited, but quite nervous as well. This will be my first brood of chicks coming through the mail. I guess we'll see how that goes next year! I can't remember if I mentioned it here or not, but I ordered them through Sand Hill Preservation Center.
I hope school gets better next week it's probably hard to get back in the swing of things after being off all summer.

The pics are great love them all. I wish my pics would turn out just half as good as your does.

Are you all grilling out today? I haven't used my grill all summer I need to get another one. My great granddaughter stayed all night last night. She's a joy to have I call her our little sunshine.

Hope you have a great day and thanks for sharing all the pics.
So it's been a while since I updated. The past week has been nothing short of ugly--and it was only the second week of the semester! :th But I made it through!

Anyway, I've pretty much spent my weekend with the chickens so far. Didn't think to get the camera out until today, though! But here's a bunch of pictures from today to make up for that. :D

Here's Roha! :lol:


Cazzie perched. She's so fluffy! :love


She Who in a dust bath. She was broody this week, so she's enjoying her freedom now that she's out of the broody buster. :rolleyes:


This is their day spa right now, tucked away under the bushes a few yards off their deck. :D


Skua, looking for food. :rolleyes: Sorry, dear, the camera is not edible.


Elly cuddles! :love :love


Endymion giving me dirty looks from behind Izzy. :rolleyes:


This picture shows how BIG Umru is getting, or at least it kind of does. That's a 2-gallon bucket he's next to.


I think this one shows his size better. He's on your basic, common cinderblock here. His LEGS. :eek:


Umru has such funny faces sometimes. :lol:


Look at my fluffy Cazzie giving me looks! :love She is such a sweetheart!


Flury, on the other hand, is so pretty and floofy, but does NOT like to be touched. :/ Oh, well.


Mabel posing, because obviously she's fabulous.


My precious young Dorking girls, Lydda and Callette. :love :love :love Callette moved, but this one was too cute not to share.


Rooska roosting. That's almost a tongue twister! :lol:


Here's Iddy Biddy having a rest.


Winty, looking handsome. His brother, Ben, went into quarantine with the silkied Cochins to finish their quarantine. They'll be joining the flock next weekend if all goes well. :D


Indigo looking completely shocked to see me. :lol:


She's so pretty and fuzzy!! :love


Last one here is Callette getting some cuddles. :love Such a sweetie.


We're heading into molting season, lots of feathers all over the place out there! The duckies (and a few of the hens) have already molted and are looking nice now. My egg count has been lowered since the heat wave we had a few weeks ago, but in spite of the molting going on, I've been getting a few more eggs than usual. I'm not sure, but I think Indigo may have started to lay. I'm working on confirming this. Summer's definitely over, sigh... But at least the weather has been nice and mild! :)

Oh, and I've sent my order in to get on the waiting list for my chicks next spring!! :D I'll hopefully be getting lots more Dorkings of different colors and some more Marans next year! They'll be straight run, so I got a LOT of extra chicks (11 Dorkings and 8 Marans) with the hopes I'd get a few pullets of each! I'm not going to name any of them until they are definitely female, because the boys will unfortunately have to go. I'm excited, but quite nervous as well. This will be my first brood of chicks coming through the mail. I guess we'll see how that goes next year! I can't remember if I mentioned it here or not, but I ordered them through Sand Hill Preservation Center.

You already sent a order!?im freaking out!i want more chicks.....I hope to get 12-15 chicks next year, but we might not get any :hit cause we want to go camping but want chicks!LOL

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