Pipd's Peeps!

Glad you enjoyed, Pattyhen! They are precious and so soft! :love They are super rare, more so even than silkied Ameraucanas! The only flock I knew of of them was somewhere in Washington state, if I remember correctly, and they weren't selling from their flock, so I hadn't had much hope of finding any!

Sad news, though. Poggy passed away. :( I kind of saw it coming because she had suddenly become much weaker over the past two days... I never figured out what was wrong with her and just couldn't make her better. :( I'll miss my treat hogging, food-motivated, walking stomach of a Speckled Sussex.


Sigh... Bittersweet day.
I'm so sorry about Poggy passing away. May she rest in peace. She had a great home with you.

I googled the silkied cochans and I saw pics of the adult birds. They have so many feathers it almost looks like you can brush them. Now the ones you got are bantams aren't they? They showed barred rocks, black ones and the red like you have.
Thanks for the thoughts on Poggy, y'all. I'm finding that my grief over losing her is coming on a little late, especially looking through pictures of her. :( That bird would come from nowhere at the slightest crinkle of a bag, so sure that we had food for her whenever we had one. I remember having to fend her off from the feed shed when I stored their feed in there. She knew there was food in there, and she would always try to sneak past to get inside. One time, I closed it up and then couldn't find her anywhere, only to find that she had managed to get past me and got locked in the feed shed. :rolleyes: Silly bird. She and Biddy were always poking around together, too. I'm especially sad because Biddy seemed to be following me around for a few days after I took Poggy in to her hospital pen, as if asking me where her sister had gone. :( I hate to know she's lost her sister and won't ever know what happened to her. But, life goes on...

Man, that was a long car ride--I'm still aching today! :th I'm not totally sure, but when I went out to the coop this morning, I heard some strangled crowing that may have been Umru! I didn't actually see who was doing it, though, so it could have just been one of the crazy hens, too. :rolleyes:

Anyway, the girls are set for the day, and the new babies are in their pen and getting used to the new digs. They were super thirsty this morning, and the poor smaller pullet had to fight her way through the crowd to get to the water dish (there was plenty of room, she just couldn't figure out how to get around them to it, silly baby!). They apparently love climbing into their food pan and kicking their food out everywhere, because there's a lot of pellets in their bedding now. It's a chicken thing. :confused: I'm just glad that they've taken to the pellets well, as I didn't have any crumbles left to give them when we got back from picking them up and I wasn't sure if the pellets would be too big or not.

I googled the silkied cochans and I saw pics of the adult birds.  They have so many feathers it almost looks like you can brush them.  Now the ones you got are bantams aren't they?  They showed barred rocks, black ones and the red like you have.  

Yes, these babies are bantams, and super fuzzy! I love the black ones the best, but the reds are growing on me. They're so full of personality, all four of them. The nice thing about them is that they're a bit shy, but not super flighty freak-out shy, so I think they will tame down into loves once they're more used to their surroundings. :love

OMG!i just noticed!i have a indigo to!a EE!

Oh my gosh!your new babies are to cute!

Well, now I need to see a picture of your Indigo! :D

Eek, I know, they're so adorable! :love

Ooh I love the new additions!

Thanks. I am so in love with these babies already!! If that wasn't obvious yet... :lol: :oops:
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I am so sorry you lost Poggy,
I am familiar with the heaviness of the heart long after they are gone. And of course the memories are bitter sweet. I hope your heart heals soon.
Thanks for the thoughts on Poggy, y'all. I'm finding that my grief over losing her is coming on a little late, especially looking through pictures of her. :( That bird would come from nowhere at the slightest crinkle of a bag, so sure that we had food for her whenever we had one. I remember having to fend her off from the feed shed when I stored their feed in there. She knew there was food in there, and she would always try to sneak past to get inside. One time, I closed it up and then couldn't find her anywhere, only to find that she had managed to get past me and got locked in the feed shed. :rolleyes: Silly bird. She and Biddy were always poking around together, too. I'm especially sad because Biddy seemed to be following me around for a few days after I took Poggy in to her hospital pen, as if asking me where her sister had gone. :( I hate to know she's lost her sister and won't ever know what happened to her. But, life goes on...

Man, that was a long car ride--I'm still aching today! :th I'm not totally sure, but when I went out to the coop this morning, I heard some strangled crowing that may have been Umru! I didn't actually see who was doing it, though, so it could have just been one of the crazy hens, too. :rolleyes:

Anyway, the girls are set for the day, and the new babies are in their pen and getting used to the new digs. They were super thirsty this morning, and the poor smaller pullet had to fight her way through the crowd to get to the water dish (there was plenty of room, she just couldn't figure out how to get around them to it, silly baby!). They apparently love climbing into their food pan and kicking their food out everywhere, because there's a lot of pellets in their bedding now. It's a chicken thing. :confused: I'm just glad that they've taken to the pellets well, as I didn't have any crumbles left to give them when we got back from picking them up and I wasn't sure if the pellets would be too big or not.
Yes, these babies are bantams, and super fuzzy! I love the black ones the best, but the reds are growing on me. They're so full of personality, all four of them. The nice thing about them is that they're a bit shy, but not super flighty freak-out shy, so I think they will tame down into loves once they're more used to their surroundings. :love
Well, now I need to see a picture of your Indigo! :D

Eek, I know, they're so adorable! :love
Thanks. I am so in love with these babies already!! If that wasn't obvious yet... :lol: :oops:

Here is my little baby:

Well,she is the brown and white on the other side of the water thing.(guess I don't have a close up loaded :oops:)
Cute cute cute . Do they feel like silkies when you touch their feathers? I can tell your pretty attached to them already. I'm glad they liked the pellets. Mine won't touch a pellet. My husband bought the guineas all flock and it is pellets. I've got a big bowl full of them that I poured hot water and vinegar on and I'm letting it rise for a couple of days. If they don't like that I'm going to take a hammer to the rest of the pellets.

Thanks for the update and the pics. I'm in love with them already.
I am so sorry you lost Poggy, :hugs   I am familiar with the heaviness of the heart long after they are gone. And of course the memories are bitter sweet. I hope your heart heals soon. :hugs

Thanks, TwoCrows, I appreciate it. :hugs

Here is my little baby:

Well,she is the brown and white on the other side of the water thing.(guess I don't have a close up loaded :oops:)

Aw, she's cute! :)

Cute cute cute .  Do they feel like silkies when you touch their feathers?  I can tell your pretty attached to them already.  I'm glad they liked the pellets.  Mine won't touch a pellet.  My husband bought the guineas all flock and it is pellets.  I've got a big bowl full of them that I poured hot water and vinegar on and I'm letting it rise for a couple of days.  If they don't like that I'm going to take a hammer to the rest of the pellets.  

Thanks for the update and the pics.  I'm in love with them already.  

Yup, they are fuzzy just like the Silkies. They're so sweet, too. Already settled down enough and turning into little sweethearts like I thought they would. :love They aren't quite sure about cuddling yet (I am a stranger, after all :rolleyes: ), but they let me stroke their feathers and pick them up now. Except the black cockerel, he's a bit standoffish. But he is older and probably a bit more mature, so I think he's just being a cockerel. Boys will be boys, you know.

My girls wouldn't eat pellets for the longest time, but every bag of crumbles I was buying for a few months a couple years ago would have grain mites or at least one big hunk of mold, and I needed something to feed them. I thought it would be a fight, but they went for the pellets almost like they thought it was a treat. I don't know what changed, because years ago I had tried to switch them to pellets and they were having nothing of it. I don't know what changed. :confused: They're crazy chickens is all I can figure.

So I've named the first of the Silkied Cochins! I think it fits quite well. I was looking at names meaning 'red' or reddish objects, stuff like that. I had been mentally logging a few, such as Russet, Russell, Rowan, for the red boy, and then got onto R names and words, like Rowdy, Roscoe, logging things in mind for later. I went out to change their water because they had been perching on their dish and pooping in it, ugh! Well, the little red cockerel was right there the whole time, getting into trouble, the little butt! He tried to hop out of the pen when I opened, he was pecking in the water while I was trying to get the dish out to empty it, he kept trying to pull the cardboard down that I put up to keep their shavings in. Through all of that, I kept catching myself saying, "Quit it, Roscoe!" And it kind of stuck. I was a little concerned that Roscoe and Rooska would be too similar, but I think it works. And he just looks like a Roscoe to me.

So, reintroducing Roscoe!


I've been throwing around Edgar for the black cockerel, but I'm not sure I'm feeling that. Same with Donna for the larger pullet. I don't mind either name, but I'm not sure they fit, you know? Oh, well, there's still time to figure names out.
He does look like a Roscoe.
it fits him perfectly. I'm sure you will come up with some names or if you wait a while they might even tell you their names. Just kidding.

Mary Jane the guinea laid her first egg. I was collecting eggs today and found three of hers. I'm going to blow it out and keep it and put her name on it. She is 4 and one half months old now.

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