Pipd's Peeps!

I looked threw all your pics and descriptions of your chickens. Thats really nice to have that. You have some beautiful chickens and such a variety.

Let me know how the babies did in the coop last night. I hope they sang their sleepy song. :D I hope Umru found a nice fluffy one to cuddle up too.

Glad you enjoyed! :D The babies somehow survived in the coop without me ( :hit ) and were eager to get out into their jungle this morning. The big girls were less happy, as the babies were taking up part of their space! But everyone seems happy now. I took another trip to the zoo this morning and just got back a couple hours ago, so the girls are out free-ranging now and that makes them much happier! And I looked out the window just a short while after letting them loose and saw Poggy out in the woods! That gives me a little hope for her condition! :fl
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I'm glad the babies survived their first night in the coop. I bet they missed you and I know you missed them. What do the big girls think about them?

I hope Poggy gets better soon. Is she moulting her feathers? Sometimes it takes a a lot out of them when they go threw that.

I hope you have a nice day and give Crash a hug from me.
The big girls are pretty indifferent, unless the babies go flying into the fence while one of them is nearby and offends them. They're kids, what can we say. :lol:

As for Poggy, she's not molting, no. I may have spoken too soon about being hopeful about her, too, because today she's looking even worse than she did before. :( I wish I had some idea of what to do for her, but with so few symptoms, I have nothing to go off of except to make her comfortable and hope for the best.

There's also a certain little Spash Cochin making me paranoid again by having SUPER BRIGHT RED wattle patches this morning... Hopefully that was just because of the heat. I shouldn't worry about it because I keep them whether they're boys or girls, but I just was really looking forward to having a big Brahma hen and another fluffy splashy hen like Frou-Frou in my flock... UGH. :/

And then there's Big Ben, who ticked me off good this morning. His neck is healed, so I thought I'd see how he did in the flock again. Well, he's wing dancing at the girls now, and he grabs onto his sisters and mother because they're the only ones docile enough to let him get away with it, and he won't let go for anything until I intervene. He grabbed poor Marky and made her scream, so I went to catch him and spent a good half hour chasing him around and getting more and more frustrated before he finally went into the coop where I could corner him. THEN, while I was closing the door so he couldn't get out past me, he grabbed Marge, who also happened to run into the coop, and wouldn't let go of her until I ran up and grabbed him. :mad: I wish roosters didn't have to go through this phase of life! Luckily, so far Winter hasn't gotten to that point. Here's hoping he stays mild!
The big girls are pretty indifferent, unless the babies go flying into the fence while one of them is nearby and offends them. They're kids, what can we say. :lol:

As for Poggy, she's not molting, no. I may have spoken too soon about being hopeful about her, too, because today she's looking even worse than she did before. :( I wish I had some idea of what to do for her, but with so few symptoms, I have nothing to go off of except to make her comfortable and hope for the best.

There's also a certain little Spash Cochin making me paranoid again by having SUPER BRIGHT RED wattle patches this morning... Hopefully that was just because of the heat. I shouldn't worry about it because I keep them whether they're boys or girls, but I just was really looking forward to having a big Brahma hen and another fluffy splashy hen like Frou-Frou in my flock... UGH. :/

And then there's Big Ben, who ticked me off good this morning. His neck is healed, so I thought I'd see how he did in the flock again. Well, he's wing dancing at the girls now, and he grabs onto his sisters and mother because they're the only ones docile enough to let him get away with it, and he won't let go for anything until I intervene. He grabbed poor Marky and made her scream, so I went to catch him and spent a good half hour chasing him around and getting more and more frustrated before he finally went into the coop where I could corner him. THEN, while I was closing the door so he couldn't get out past me, he grabbed Marge, who also happened to run into the coop, and wouldn't let go of her until I ran up and grabbed him. :mad: I wish roosters didn't have to go through this phase of life! Luckily, so far Winter hasn't gotten to that point. Here's hoping he stays mild!

Lol, kids :rolleyes:

Poor poggy, i hope she gets better :fl.

Ben, Ben,Ben,Ben, bad boy.
That Ben he always was a stinker wasn't he. He'll settle down when he gets a little older. I hope.
He missed all those girls while he was getting better.

I hope Poggy gets better. I know it's hard to tell what is wrong with them. I wish they had a voice to tell us besides the bawk bawks.

Just keep telling yourself their all girls. Even if their not you will still keep them and love them. It's to soon to tell unless they start crowing and their not.

Have a great evening.
Lol, kids :rolleyes:

Poor poggy, i hope she gets better :fl.

Ben, Ben,Ben,Ben, bad boy.

Yep, bad, bad Ben! :mad: He grabbed poor Margie this morning before I had the chance to get him penned!

Hey, Cluckcluck, how have your babies been? I haven't seen a post in your chick thread in a while! :)

That Ben he always was a stinker wasn't he.  He'll settle down when he gets a little older.  I hope.;)  He missed all those girls while he was getting better.  

I hope Poggy gets better.  I know it's hard to tell what is wrong with them.  I wish they had a voice to tell us besides the bawk bawks.

Just keep telling yourself their all girls.  Even if their not you will still keep them and love them.  It's to soon to tell unless they start crowing and their not.  :D

Have a great evening.  

Yes, he sure has been! :rolleyes: Seems like every rooster goes through this phase, though, so I'm sure he will simmer down after a while!

And yes, if they could tell us what was wrong that would make it so much easier... :( I wonder how hard it would be to teach a chicken to type on a computer...

As for the babies, yeah, I keep trying to tell myself... Sometimes I just get so worried about it, though, and then I make posts! :lol: :oops: Actually, I've pretty much come to acceptance with Umru, it's just Flury that I keep getting worried about... I shouldn't worry, I keep saying I shouldn't, but dang, I'll just be disappointed if Flury turns out to be a boy at this point, too...

They're all girls, yep. We'll go with that. Well, all except this little man:

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All girls except for little Danny. He's got a cute crow thats for sure. See if Umru and Flury were boys they would be crowing too. (Maybe). I'm just trying to be positive.

Ben is just being Ben.
Marge is going to have to run faster. She knows how Ben is.

Have a great day.
Yep, bad, bad Ben! :mad: He grabbed poor Margie this morning before I had the chance to get him penned!

Hey, Cluckcluck, how have your babies been? I haven't seen a post in your chick thread in a while! :)
Yes, he sure has been! :rolleyes: Seems like every rooster goes through this phase, though, so I'm sure he will simmer down after a while!

And yes, if they could tell us what was wrong that would make it so much easier... :( I wonder how hard it would be to teach a chicken to type on a computer...

As for the babies, yeah, I keep trying to tell myself... Sometimes I just get so worried about it, though, and then I make posts! :lol: :oops: Actually, I've pretty much come to acceptance with Umru, it's just Flury that I keep getting worried about... I shouldn't worry, I keep saying I shouldn't, but dang, I'll just be disappointed if Flury turns out to be a boy at this point, too...

They're all girls, yep. We'll go with that. Well, all except this little man:


There fine!i haven't had a lot of time to take pics!sorry!poor Margie!
Thanks for the comments, y'all. No worries on being busy, Cluckcluck, I totally get that.

Switching subjects, it's not looking good for Poggy. This morning, she's disoriented and stumbling a bit. When I opened the coop door for the day, she tripped on the kick board and fell face-first onto the floor, and then just laid there for a minute or two. I had left her in the flock because she seemed to be doing well there with me keeping an eye on her and giving her her own food, but after that whole event, I regret not bringing her in to a hospital pen sooner. Luckily, I hadn't taken the brooder down yet, so she's in there now. I'm working on making sure she's well hydrated and gets some vitamins and electrolytes so that she doesn't get hit with 'refeeding syndrome', and then we're likely going to be feeding her regularly to make sure she's getting enough. Without any symptoms to go off of, beyond wasting away as she is (which is likely the cause of her disorientation), I really have no idea what else to treat her with. She'll be safe and comfortable if nothing else, I hope.

Today is picture day for the babies, so I'll get on that a little later. Everyone else in the flock is doing fine, so at least there's that.

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