Pipd's Peeps!

Surprise! Silkie pictures! :lol:

I was out of the house most of the morning for harp, so while there were many chickie cuddles first thing when I got up, no pictures were taken. I didn't want to get all caught up in chick pictures and not leave in time! When I got back, I figured I'd better get Silkie pics before anything else. They are 10 weeks old today, after all!

While I was at it, I also opened up their area to the rest of the coop so that integration can begin. Thus far, the Silkie babies are staying in their yard and avoiding contact with the bigger girls at all costs. This made picture taking a whole lot harder! The few times the Silkies have gone up to the coop, there have been just a few pecks, but no one is being overly mean. Fingers crossed they can join the flock without problems!

Anyway, Silkie pictures! Here's mighty Benjamin!


Winter, the most uncooperative little fuzzball of the four!


Indigo, perched high above like the majestic ruler she is. :rolleyes:


And sweet Marka :love


Marka, calm as she is, enjoyed some leisurely grazing while the rest of the Silkies avoided having their pictures taken.


I love her face in this picture! :love


Here's another shot of Ben that shows his pretty eyes a little better. :love


And the last one, of Winter and Marka finding something quite interesting behind the tree. :lol:


And now I hear happy peep-peeps from my room upstairs! Sounds like they're up, and it's time for chick pictures! :D Will post them as soon as I can!
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Sweet sweet pics of the silkies. They are getting so big and pretty. I hope they adjust to the others easily. Do you think Marka is going to look like her Mom? It's hard to tell from the pics but I see the different colors on her a little.

Thanks so much for sharing their pics it's been a fast 10 weeks. I love them all.
Oh, yes, the past 10 weeks have gone by so fast!! It didn't feel like it toward the end of the semester, but looking back it seems like it zoomed by!

I think that Marka will be somewhat in the middle of her parents. She had a black wing feather for a long time like her daddy, but she's kind of got a creamy coloration overall like her mama. I don't think she's going to end up looking exactly like Margie, but she does have some of Margie's color to her. :) They were out in the sun for their photo shoot, so a lot of Marka's color kind of bleached out of her pictures.

Baby pictures! The babies graduated off the towel to shavings today! Look how busy they are! :love


Scratching! :love I tried to get a good picture of them scratching, but kept missing. They kick their little feet up so high and bobble their little wings the whole time like they're trying to keep balanced. :love


Hmm... Almost like they're plotting something... :lol:


I love my Dorkings!! :love Callette and Donnie


This look about sums up Cazzie's personality. :rolleyes: Little stinker!


Endymion :love She's so pretty!


Flury with a super full crop!!


Umru actually not looking grumpy! :D She unfortunately had a little pasty butt going on in this pic, though. There really hasn't been that much, but I've never dealt with so many pasty chicks before this set! :/ Anyway, I got her cleaned up as soon as I noticed in this picture. She does NOT like her little rear end messed with!


Rooska and Isodel :love Izzy jumps every time the camera flashes!


It makes for some super adorable pictures, though! :love Lookit her little wings and those precious cheeks!! :love


I did a lot of hand and lap pictures. Trying to keep the babies used to a lot of handling. They are all so precious, I almost can't help but snuggle them all the time! Here's Rooska looking quite serious:


Umru, back to grumpy bear mode :love


Callette :love URG she posed so perfectly!!


My Dorking girls :love Callette on the left and Lydda on the right


And I figured, what the heck? Three precious Dorkings! :love Left to right, Callette, Lydda, and Don


I have baby videos!! I'm going to try to get them uploaded tonight, but no guarantees. Sometimes they upload fast, sometimes not. But I will post them once they are up! :D
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The pics are great. The dorkings and their little short legs are too cute. Oh their all too cute. Oh my goodness Umru can sure make some grumpy faces. They all look well fed their crops are so full . I love the little huddle I do think they are plotting something.
I hope the video turns out I would love to see them in action.

Thanks so much for sharing them with us. I really appreciate it.
Yesterday's videos! :D The first one is just the babies checking out the new digs with the shavings. They got a little distracted by the light on my camera phone at the beginning, but they start to ignore it pretty quick. Lots of happy peeps, but you might have to turn your volume up to hear them. At least on my computer, they're very quiet.


The second video is shorter. It's the three Dorkings scratching in the shavings. :love Umru decided part way through to trample over them, big ol' grumpy bear!

The videos are perfect. So much action going on and Umru does look like a bear compared to the rest of them. The dorkings have the scratch down pat then the bear comes bounding over them. I heard the little peeps I had to turn my sound up a bit. They are so cute I can't get over how cute they are.

Thanks for sharing loved the videos. Have a great day and give those little ones a hug and kiss for me.
Glad you liked the videos! :D I don't take them often, but I like to have at least one video of each group when they're chicks. I like going back and seeing them in action. Looking at their baby pictures just isn't the same. :love

Speaking of baby pictures, I got a bunch today, too! I can't help myself! They're so precious!

I'd like to first introduce the camera crew, my chipmunk chicks, Don, Callette, Lydda, and Endymion. :rolleyes: I swear, any time I was focusing the camera on something, these four would just run right over in the way!


For example, here's a lovely picture of Umru with Callette in the background...


Sometimes, they just pop right out of nowhere! Cazzie with Endymion


...And sometimes, they pose so cutely when they run in that I don't mind one bit. :love Isodel and Don


Endymion and Cazzie are quite curious about the picture taking process. These two both tried to hop out of the brooder while I was taking pictures! :rolleyes:


Flury wants to see, too!


The Cochins are such divas! Flury and Cazzie forward...


...And backward! :lol:


Endy is always ready to pose!


Izzy takes more work to pose, but it's well worth the effort! :love Look at her face!!


Flury is ready for her close-up :love


At least, until she wants to eat...


Lydda just wants to snuggle up to her buddies. :love


Callette is always wanting to be held! :love


Rooska never really asks to be held like Callette does, but she makes herself right at home when I pick her up. :love


Scritchy-scratchy :love Rooska's keeping an eye on things.


Busy babies! :love

Cuteness overload they just keep getting cuter. I love all the pics the forward and the backward had me cracking up here. I couldn't imagine a cuter camera crew then what you have. Supervising all the shots.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics they make my day.

p.s. I'm going to watch the videos again.
The babies are doing great this morning, haven't had the chance to spend much time with them yet. Been a bit of a rocky morning...

Last night, one of the Sebrights, Frannie, was on the ground in the coop. She does this every once in a while when one of the bigger hens knocks her off the perches, so I didn't think anything of it. Like she always does when she's on the ground that late at night, she hopped up into my hand for me to put her back in the rafters, her preferred roost spot. I went about my business as usual, getting the coop ready to lock down for the night, when I heard the distinct chirping sounds that the Sebrights all make when they're laying. Frannie was going to lay an egg from the rafters. I waited for about 20 minutes so that I could try and catch it as she laid it instead of moving her to a nest and disturbing her, but she made little progress on it. Again, I didn't think anything of it because I know it can take some time to pass an egg. I went ahead and moved her down to a nest, locked up the coop, and went inside.

This morning, Frannie came walking out of the coop when I opened it. I happened to see past her that there were no eggs on the floor of the coop or in the nests, so I scooped her up as she walked past to check her over. Her vent is unchanged from when I left her last night and I can feel an egg just inside, stuck. It's one of those nightmarish situations that you read about and hope it never happens to your birds. She's egg bound.

I didn't have any liquid calcium or Tums to give her, so I made a watery/paste substance with the Nekton powder and fed it to her. Gave her vitamin/electrolyte water to drink and put her in a dark room with a heating pad under one end of her cage to help her muscles relax. It would be tricky at the moment to get things around for a warm soak because Crashie's nighttime pen is set up in the tub, so I figured that the heating pad would be close enough. Fingers crossed for the little lady. The poor darling is one of the three rescued Sebrights I got about 5 years ago that were debeaked by their previous owner and stuffed in pens without ground contact. I don't want her to have to suffer any more than she already has had to in her life. :(

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