Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

Ok I couldn’t resist putting this one up for everyone to enjoy. My hen house has a roosting ledge and it all the same height, except this section is about 2” higher. Oh course they all want the highest spot, right?

Well seems Butterscotch was trying to scooch under Eli-too to keep her spot, Eli-too wasn’t having non of that and sat on her head 😆

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Enter in caption competition Pony!
Had a laugh today while taking photos of my newly hatched, one toppled over for a moment and took a shout from the second one for ruining the photo ;)
PFFFF! Do like me and haul water to them in buckets! :lau
Hahaha oh I have done plenty of that for the horses!

Seriously though my biggest worry is ice, I know my nieces ducks were messy in the winter and iced up things. I don’t want to fall on ice.

If I lived somewhere warmer I would have those honking big geese (can’t remember their name), I think they are amazing!
Tookie Two (Named that since she looked similar in color to Tookie, who's in my PFP), sadly passed away today, from what I assume was old age. She was 8yo, and we hatched her in our first and only hatch. She had a good long life, I'll miss her so much! ❤️View attachment 3805494
RIP Tookie ❤️
Here's some hugs :hugs:hugs

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