Pekin bantam 3 weeks


Jan 21, 2024
Hi all, below are pictures of our 3 week old pekin. I really hope she is a she because she is friendly and snuggly. I have been worried because she runs and jumps into the face of the boss chick. The boss chick then stands tall over her. Please let me know your thoughts


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That's how my Cochin cockerel looked at that age, except his comb was a bit more red. He was practically already fully-feathered at two weeks and a half, and I had known he was a cockerel since one week because he developed and reddened that comb quickly.
That's how my Cochin cockerel looked at that age, except his comb was a bit more red. He was practically already fully-feathered at two weeks and a half, and I had known he was a cockerel since one week because he developed and reddened that comb quickly.
It looks pretty red- doesn’t it? What did you do with your cockerel? He has such a beautiful temperament but I can’t keep him

Here he is at 9 weeks old. This was taken 3 weeks ago. He has just started crowing. Isn’t aggressive so we’ll keep him if we can. He’s a good boy.
It looks pretty red- doesn’t it? What did you do with your cockerel? He has such a beautiful temperament but I can’t keep him
What did I do with my cockerel? Keep him. I have no reason to give him away. I can own as many male chickens as I want, no zoning laws against those here. But of course, I don't want too many because that would be chaotic. Also, beautiful temperaments don't always last, cockerels spike in hormones at around four to six months and they can turn from sweet to absolutely aggressive.

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Here he is at 9 weeks old. This was taken 3 weeks ago. He has just started crowing. Isn’t aggressive so we’ll keep him if we can. He’s a good boy.
He is pretty.
Today, he went back to the breeder we purchased him from. We have some new chicks now.

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