Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

How often do you clean your coop?

  • Every day

    Votes: 294 15.6%
  • Twice or more per week

    Votes: 135 7.2%
  • Once per week

    Votes: 399 21.2%
  • Once per month

    Votes: 232 12.3%
  • Twice per year

    Votes: 240 12.8%
  • Once per year

    Votes: 79 4.2%
  • Whenever it needs it

    Votes: 472 25.1%
  • Never

    Votes: 29 1.5%

  • Total voters
I normally go once a week, but there has been times where I've had to clean it twice in a week. Just depends on the weather. Rainy weeks I tend to have to clean it more often because I don't let them out of the run during those periods.
The run gets scooped every day and the coop does also if there is anything that is on the top layer. It takes all of 5 minutes. Changing the bedding is once a month where we vacuum out and wash down the roosts.
I usually clean mine twice a month however I didn't see that option so I chose once a month, we have 10 barred rocks right now, it doesn't get overly dirty, only below the roosts.. I found that twice a month is enough to satisfy my girls and I, sometimes I even do once a month it just depends on how busy I get with other chores they haven't seemed to mind it either way. ☺️ Now, when I add 10 more girls and a rooster next year I'm sure that I will have to change from twice a month to once a week or 3 times a month, but we will find out! I think the better answer for this poll is whenever it needs it! It can be rough sticking to a schedule, most of the time I just see it needs done and do it, it usually tends to be once or twice a month though I've found.
I do the deep bedding method i believe its called. Add new woodchips, and then clean it all out every time it gets too high from the floor. My coop has a bottom exposed to the dirt though, I see all kinds of bugs helping decompose the litter for while, until it actually starts smelling. My coop is almost like a coop/run layout design that my grandpa helped me build. He couldn't do much of the work with his condition, but he helped guide me on the construction process and helped a ton! I know other people here probably can't clean their coops as often as they might like because of medical conditions, or otherwise. So if anyone needs their coops cleaned out I would be willing to offer my services! Just DM if you're in the greater san antonio area, I can offer a deal to new first customers!!
We never have over 6 or 8 chickens. We clean and replace bedding once a month or so in the winter and do a serious spring cleaning with bleach etc. The poop boards are great, easy to clean up quick if it needs it. Overall it's never that gross and if for some reason they are messier than usual I'll give a good muck out.
I pretty much clean my coop whenever it needs it without any set time. We used to try a deep clean once a month, but now it generally depends. We are using a different coop then we were before, and it is very low maintenance. Besides making sure the floor has bedding and the nesting boxes are good, there's not much else to do.
I clean my coop once a year using my winter coop from Nov 1 to April 20 or so. I use the deep bedding method. I have a large 24x24 foot floor area and I use woodchips, fall leaves and straw through the winter to keep the smell down with lots of ventilation. My windows stay open all winter and I have a small exhaust fan too. In the spring the chickens go out on pasture in a coop that has no solid bottom, just a wire floor that allows the poop to fall through. That coop gets moved as needed to new pasture. I only have to deal with bedding from Nov 1 to April 20th or so.

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