Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 01-21-22 Pic by cluckmecoop7


"This must be some kind of all girls school. Where are the rooster boys?"
"Nah, I think we are homeschooled. And we don't have Merrick's vaccine....because mom doesn't believe in it."
"Well sitting on a stick all day has to be better than going to school, whatever that is. And who wants to get poked?"
"I'm so scared,
I heard an owl hooting all last night,
a Hawk screeching flying around the coop this morning,
& now they said there's a fox checking us out!
What's a little chick like me to do?!"

"Don't you worry!
I may be young, but I'm a Rooster & I am already sweet on you.
I will protect you!
See how much bigger I can make myself look?"

(The adult chickens think this "crush" is just so adorable & the human chuckles as she says "nighty night sweet flock" as she closes & secures the predator proof coop & pen like she always does)
~I want to be loved by you, by you, and nobody else but you...

"If you are singing to me, my eyes are over here."

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