Niacin dosage for geese


Mar 20, 2022
Central texas
Hi everyone-
I have been doing more reading about niacin and since I’m horrible at math, wanted to get everyone’s input.
I know DUCKS need about 10 mg of niacin per day—-so a tablespoon of nutritional yeast or brewers yeast sprinkled over a cup of feed.
According to the web, GEESE need 66 mg of niacin per day.
I did not know this so I’m thinking I need to up their niacin supplement somehow.

My 2 young geese are about 7-8 weeks old
Have 1 Chinese goose about 1 year old

I’m also looking into changing the nutritional yeast that I give them which only has 17.1 mg of niacin in it.
Was leaning toward buying the NOW nutritional yeast fortified which has 32 mg of niacin in it.
Gosh I think I messed up here supplying my poor goslings their niacin and I’m panicking a little.
So I’m assuming 1 1/2-2 tablespoons of the NOW brand nutritional yeast per cup of feed per day?
I’m also going to start trying to give them peas and sweet potatoes etc occasionally to supplement.

Can anyone share what they do to supplement niacin for their geese?
Am I on right track or am I overthinking all this?
Also-can someone share name or picture of wheat they give their ducks and geese? It’s not clear to me anywhere I have read.
Thank you all.
I know it's good stuff I use Now nutritional Yeast I buy off of eBay 10lb at a time. All my birds are adults and I still sprinkle it in their feed daily .

here is good info.
That’s actually the one I was leaning toward to buy. Thank you for the links. I have read those as well. It’s good go-to information!
I appreciate the info on feeding nutritional yeast to geese for deficiencies in a pinch! One of the 3 month old goslings I was given this week staggers when it tries to run .Its wobbly on its feet and its legs are farther apart(wider hips) I sprinkled nutritional yeast on their feed (all flock)hoping it'll help. She said she's been feeding them grass and scratch corn and stated its had these symptoms 3 weeks or so.

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