male guinea attacking me...and it hurts!

LMAO... uh huh, exactly. Or home run time, swinging at it with a broom, lolol. A cold blast of water from the hose works well too
Or so I've heard... not that I'd ever do that to my precious Gunieas lol
LOL ladi, your Guineas sure are workin' ya aren't they? (I'm laughin' with ya, not at ya, just to clarify!)

All I can say is I don't know how ya'll do it with so many guineas because these 4 are driving me crazy. Rocky chased Bob across and around and through 20 acres yesterday, much to my neighbors amusement. I think he was trying to claim the new hen for himself but who knows for sure what he was thinking. Bob and new hen did go into the pen to get a drink last night and I was able to lock them in their pen, so they are back in time out.

Oh and then last week I found I was missing 4 eggs, blamed it on the puppy because he is always in trouble. Then I came home Saturday to find 7 eggs missing and my baby goat in the pen, so I guess he likes eggs. This place is turning into the funny farm, lol.
I've only ever had a rooster called Geraldine attack me (supposed to be all hens (chickens) when I bought them at one day old) Geraldine and Betty turned into roosters - anyway where was I...................Geraldine attacked me in the coop, feet out and all - he got a broom up his backside a few times, didn't change his ways and ended up in the pot!

So far no aggression from George and William (the guinea boys)................they sometimes rush at the cats and dogs if they wander a bit too close to the coop where the nest is, which is very funny!
I'm dying with laughter over here and being a football fan...that's a reference I often use too! I've even thought about it at times with my teen age kids! I only refrain from that cuase I'd probably break my leg!
I'm dying with laughter over here and being a football fan...that's a reference I often use too! I've even thought about it at times with my teen age kids! I only refrain from that cuase I'd probably break my leg!

I'm lovin this thread! My guineas are still locked in their pen in an attempt to teach them where their 'new' home is. (Caught 3 being attacked by dogs in the neighborhood & can't find their owner; adopted 7 more from a friend - all about a year old AND the first I've ever owned.) Can't wait to turn them loose...... or can I? hmmmm
OH no mine are just hatching. What am I in for? I thought if you worked with them when little they were sweet when grown
What else do I need to know? Will they attack anyone, goats, dogs, cats? Oh Oh.
my head male did that to me the first year, now he only charges at me

best thing to do is keep a coat handy and if it comes out you wave it/shake it out in front of him, he'll fly off screaming like you tried to kill him

few times of that and he will leave you alone except for a charge here and there
I still think this has more to do with the lack of male sparring partners. I've raised Guineas for years, my numbers over the past several have been over 20. I have never had a Guinea male charge me, they will do the sideways challenge but that is the extent of any trying to boss me.
I think it is just a case of guineas going bonkers during mating season. My dominant male will do the charge and the side step but the other male never does anything other then run even when the other male is attacking him. I certainly was not expecting him to get "gutsy" just because I was trying to guide him and the hen to their pen, but he sure did. I had jeans on luckily but I just stood there and stared at him in disbelief. I just figure their hormones are in full swing and since he finally had a mate he is just bonkers in the head now. They remind me of 16 year old boys going bonkers over cheer leaders.
You said in an earlier post you don't know how we do it with so many Guineas. The fact is, having as many as we do makes the keeping of the flock ten times easier than people who have only a very few. They are more willing to do what we need them to do because the majority of the flock looks forward to the evening millet and any stragglers can not stand to be left out.

As I stated before, after years of keeping Guineas I've never had one come at me. That is simply because I have something like 12 or 15 males in the flock so they have each other to pound on when the mood strikes.

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