How to raise poultry with neighbors?


Jun 8, 2021
I live in a close-knit suburban neighborhood and I have 4 teenage turkey poults, quail, 4 ducks, and two guinea keets.

I had to get rid of my chickens once because my neighbors did not like them clucking at 5AM.

My turkeys are extremely quiet and they are a bronze heritage breed (so if my neighbors do not like the future gobbling and yelping, I could just say that they are wild turkeys :p). My ducks are super quiet and my neighbors do not seem to mind them. My ducks stay within my fence. I have about an acre of fencing, and the turkeys do not care about the fence.

I bought two guineas and I plan on raising them with quail for a little while. I have heard that flocks of guineas are noisy, but will 2 guineas really disturb my neighbors? I am trying to tame them and get them used to their surroundings so that they do not become too flighty/loud later on. I have heard that they are mostly quiet but will only make noises when excited/scared.

My turkeys try to range about a 1/2 mile away from my yard, but they come back near their food source to roost every evening. I am wondering how to integrate these guineas into my flock. I want them to get out of my yard every morning and go into the forest near my neighborhoods (I do not care how loud they scream there, as long as they do not scream in my yard). Do guineas make sounds at night/early morning? My turkeys roost in trees and I would like my guineas to do the same thing. From my experience, coop birds are much louder, especially when they want to wake up in the morning.

How will my neighbors react to this? So far, they think that my ducks are cute and they come near my yard let their toddler look at the birds. If my guineas get too loud then I will probably have to cull them, but right now they are keets and I am trying to "silence" them, but I understand that it may not work since they are known to be really chatty. I am fine if they chat all they want in the forest near the neighborhood, but I do not want them chatting right at my house. Will they naturally free range long distances or will they stay right by my home, screaming?

I plan to gift my close neighbors with some fresh eggs to get them to like my birds..
It's not advised. They are much more wild than chickens or turkeys so they wander off never to return.
Most are taken by predators while roosting in trees or run down by ground predators while wandering aimlessly.
Not even to eat food?
My area has really good roosting trees.. My turkeys and even my barred rocks roost fine without predation. The only predator I worry about is foxes and my turkeys and ducks fly fine.
Why do you want guineas at all if you want them to spend the day as far away from your yard as possible? Seems pointless. Also it's your responsibility to keep your animals on your property and not let them wanter in areas you don't own.
My neighbors let their cats roam around in other peoples property..
Also, I have tried so hard to keep my turkeys in but they just want to get out. They do come back home to roost though.

Of all my birds, only my mallards stay in my property. So it is not that I just "let" them wander, but they choose to wander and I can't really do anything about it. I need to keep them flighted so that they can get away from the foxes.

Those guinea keets were somewhat of an impulse buy :hmm
But if anything goes wrong I can just give them to my cousin (his neighbors do not care about noise).

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