Hello friends i need your help about Orpingtons and Wyandottes


Jun 8, 2023
Finally in my country i find pure breed chickens, Buf orpington and Silver Laced Wyandottes.
Wanna know which one lays most eggs?
Which one better gor meat?
Here is their pictures. Are they pure breeds?
Congrats with your chickens.
I don’t now enough about the standards of this breeds.
If you can include Wyandotte and Orpington in the title you might get better responses.
They both lay around the same amount per year. As for meat, by the look of your orpingtons they look like they have a decent amount of meat on them. I don't raise chickens for meat so I'm not sure what breeds are the best for eating.
They are pure breeds for sure.
Beautiful birds BTW!
Orpingtons have white skin and very soft, white meat, as if preferred in Britain and many countries in Europe. Wyandottes have yellow skin and yellow tinged flesh, as is preferred in America. So that's one factor. Both should be good meat birds.

Laying depends on many things. There are different strains of these breeds, some laying better than others. So it is difficult to say which of these breeds will be better layers. Neither breed is a top egg producer like a Leghorn, but they should both be decent layers so long as they're getting proper nutrition.

Age of the birds makes a huge difference in egg production and meat quality, but I'm assuming these are just breeding stock, right?

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