Guess the predator?


Crossing the Road
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
Sorry in advance for one of those posts with very little information but asking for advice :barnie
I will give a little winded back story so you can try to understand why I do with my flock what I do.

I'm in Nova Scotia, we currently have an outbreak of avian influenza, although if you search for updates nothing comes up since February. However, due to this, I had been keeping my flock of 5 locked up in their coop & run (15' 5" x 5' 8") 24/7, when prior to that they were out free-ranging through the woods daily. Everything had been going very well but a couple of weeks ago I saw signs of boredom, the rooster, in particular, was starting to pick on the younger ladies, pecking their combs. Nothing major, no damage, but being a jerk. Then Sunday night when I went o lock them in the coop for night, Gladys and Ethel came out to greet m as they usually do and poor Ethel was covered in blood, the run looked like a crime scene, her comb was bleeding from being picked at. She ended up coming into the people's coop to have a sponge bath, some special treats, and a sleepover. That night I decided I was going to risk it and let them back out to range.

So they have been out happily free-ranging all week, a harmonious little flock. My husband even sent me this picture while I was at work yesterday of them in our upper field, with Phillip on the lookout while his girls sunned themselves.


Last night I didn't get home until about 8:45pm, it was dark. I went up to the coop to lock them up as my husband hadn't done this yet. I peeked inside, everyone was roosting, nothing seemed out of order. Except now that I think of it, Glady's and Ethel did not come out of the coop or even off the roost to greet me, which never happens. Every night I have to tell them to go back to bed.

This morning when I got up, I could hear the crows outside making a racket so I looked out the window to our front lawn (the coop is in the back lawn) and I can see them all crowded around, even from the distance, what looked like a bunch of feathers. So I went up to first let the chickens out, the 2 young girls came out to greet me first like they usually do, the 2 older girls didn't rush out. I grabbed a rake and went down to see what the crows were interested in, and along the way, I am seeing feathers here and there in our driveway and all the way down to what is definitely feathers. Phillip feathers.

I ran back up to the coop because I could not remember if he came out this morning - he was there, mind you, he looked like he didn't have his big beautiful tail feathers as much and some saddle feathers. The 2 older girls were still hesitant to come out of the coop. I opened up the big coop door and the floor was covered in Phillip feathers. I walked back down to the pile of his feathers, I saw no blood anywhere outside or in the coop. He appears to be fine other than some missing feathers. I am going to attempt to examine him but he doesn't like being handled. He's not mean, he's just not social which has been fine for our relationship. By the time I went back to the coop again, everyone was outside and happily pecking around.

I have to say I am feeling pretty proud of him this morning for protecting his girls, it took a while for him to come into his own. I adopted him last fall as an older boy, he 3. We used to call him the useless rooster, not anymore. Prince Phillip has proved his worth. (Below is a pic of him from couple months ago)


So my question - what would have grabbed him and just took feathers? A raccoon? We are surrounded by woods, we live by a river. Whatever did this, I feel it obviously went inside the coop and started the attack there. Questions? Comments?

*Edit to say: in 2 years if having chickens this is the first time I have dealt with predators*

If you got this far, thanks for reading my ramble.
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Well done, Phillip. Realistically it could have been anything. My gut is that a 'major' killer - fox, coyote, fisher, dog would have been successful in killing him. Perhaps a hawk ? Good luck because it will most likely return.
Well done, Phillip. Realistically it could have been anything. My gut is that a 'major' killer - fox, coyote, fisher, dog would have been successful in killing him. Perhaps a hawk ? Good luck because it will most likely return.
I was starting to lean towards a bird of prey, I just find it odd the way his feather are spread out around the yard, it very well could be from something trying to take off with him and then dropping him where the big feather pile was.
I am already worried about it returning. I borrowed a trap cam from my brother-in-law today and am going to monitor the coop at night for a bit. I have a coop cam but unfortunately, since we moved, the signal strength is poor and it's kind of useless now.
Something definitely went down though, the birds are on alert for sure.

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