Garbanzo beans?

Chickpeas can be used as a high energy and protein feed in poultry diets to support growth and egg production. In common with other grain legumes, chickpeas can also contain anti-nutritional factors such as trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors that can impair the utilization of the nutrients by poultry.
A friend of mine gave me some canned goods and stuff when she was cleaning out her pantry. We got a couple of cans of garbanzo beans. I have no clue what to do with them and it was suggested that I feed them to the girlies. Will canned garbanzo beans hurt the chickens? Beans in general? Are garbanzo beans even beans?
As long as you rinse off all the salt that they add to them.
canned beans are OK - just dont give them dried beans/peas of any sort, only cooked/soft ones.
This is old, but wanted to correct it as it came up first as a google response. This is 100% false information. Canned beans, unless no salt is added... tend to be way worse for the animals (and lazy on your part). Dried peas (yellow or green, I feed split yellows as a protein source/rice etc is 100% fine, they digest and have ZERO issues. Also with that said, a lot of feeds DO use lentils however these I find are slightly toxic and should be sprouted or cooked first. They have specialized organs designed to digest hard things like seeds.

With that said, you could argue about nutrional availability and yes it its easier for them to digest PEAS or Lentils if they are cooked... But rice is 100% easily broken down by chickens and ducks.

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