Farewell to Ginger


Furiously Foraging
Premium Feather Member
Mar 31, 2023
New Hampshire
This weekend, Ginger is graduating to a new free-range home (and joining her sister, Nutmeg). She's been a fantastic first chicken. Very friendly and fun to watch. Extremely food motivated, to the point where I trained her on a couple different commands. She's been laying since October 8th and has only missed one very cold day. Beautiful medium brown speckled eggs. She also lays between 3-5 am! The woman I'm rehoming her to is very well versed in red sex-links, their behavioral issues, and nutritional needs. I'm confident that Ginger will fit in wonderfully, just as Nutmeg did.

This is the second time we've had to cull "for peace of the flock". It's challenging for a first-timer, and even harder when you only have a few chickens. We're trying hard and learning as we go. But I wanted to give Ginger a proper send off. She's so special to us, and I wish her well in her new dream home.


This weekend, Ginger is graduating to a new free-range home (and joining her sister, Nutmeg). She's been a fantastic first chicken. Very friendly and fun to watch. Extremely food motivated, to the point where I trained her on a couple different commands. She's been laying since October 8th and has only missed one very cold day. Beautiful medium brown speckled eggs. She also lays between 3-5 am! The woman I'm rehoming her to is very well versed in red sex-links, their behavioral issues, and nutritional needs. I'm confident that Ginger will fit in wonderfully, just as Nutmeg did.

This is the second time we've had to cull "for peace of the flock". It's challenging for a first-timer, and even harder when you only have a few chickens. We're trying hard and learning as we go. But I wanted to give Ginger a proper send off. She's so special to us, and I wish her well in her new dream home.


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I'm sure she'll be happy in her new home. :hugs
Rehoming for the peace of the flock is a tough call. But, it can also make all the difference in the world. I've only done it once, but it worked both for the chickens who stayed here and the one who found a new, happier home.

Best wishes for Ginger -- and her reunion with Nutmeg!
Thanks for the kind words ❤️

If you don’t mind my asking, what were the circumstances where you had to rehome?
No problem, @thecatumbrella. I had been gifted five hatchery chicks, which included three unsexed Bantams. Eventually, it was obvious that only one of the Bantams was female, and that only one of the two male Bantams was really a Blue Cochin, which is what I was told I was getting.

The non-Cochin boy was beautiful but vicious. Pauly, a Booted Bantam, attacked the other cockerel, harassed the girls, and went after both me and the pet sitter. He was totally out of control and none of the recommended methods of calming him down worked.

Finally, I gave him to my avian vet, who has a rooster flock; Dr. M says Pauly had no real issues becoming part of the boys club. The downside is that the remaining boy, who had spent his early months being bullied, became quite a jerk himself.

Instead of rehoming Billy elsewhere, I moved him into a coop with two confident, full-sized Iowa Blue hens. Those girls had been living with their rooster who had died a few weeks earlier. While they didn't all immediately fall in love with each other, everyone co-exists nicely now.

Except me. Billy still wants to kill me when I'm in the run. I wear protective gear. Just last week, he flew off a high roost, grabbed my knit cap with his feet and ripped it off my head.
Except me. Billy still wants to kill me when I'm in the run. I wear protective gear. Just last week, he flew off a high roost, grabbed my knit cap with his feet and ripped it off my head.
Holy cow, WTH Billy! They really are like little dinosaurs. You're a saint for keeping him on, but at least you know there's a boys club he can join if you've reached your limit.

I have a huge Australorp girl that flies at my head because she thinks it will magically transport her in my lap for cuddles. I always wear a hat or hood, but I just bought a face shield to make sure she can't do actual damage.

All these Instagram photos of women tending to their chickens in sundresses, and I'm over here like a Call of Duty character. 😅 Glad I'm not alone!
I couldn't stop laughing at your Call of Duty remark. I totally get it -- at least in the winter, it doesn't seem so odd that I'm wearing lined coveralls, heavy gloves, Muck boots and ALWAYS my glasses so I don't lose an eye

At least your girl likes you -- I guess, in her case, love hurts, huh?

Hmm, a face shield, huh? Not a bad idea.

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