Confused about this hen and what is wrong with her. Maybe she is dying?


Premium Feather Member
Oct 3, 2023
I am at a loss on how to proceed. Here are the pertinent facts:

Nearly one year old EE hen. Normal laying other than reduced frequency compared to all my other hens. Maybe 2-3 eggs per week.

Monday had what seemed to be a bound egg - then laid the egg. Egg was normal.

Rebounded for an hour, eating and drinking as usual. Then became lethargic, depressed looking and had yellow watery poop. Ruffles feathers.

I put her in the sick bay and she seemed tired but content to rest. She WILL NOT eat a thing other than grass. She has refused her layer feed, eggs, yogurt.

Poop solidified but then I saw saw blood. I began treatment with Corid yesterday. She will only drink water if I force it with a medicine dropper (should I be doing this?)

Today she is the same other than her poop is white and green, no yellow or red. I set her in the yard because she seemed antsy - I wondered if she wanted to eat something in the yard. This is her now. A statue in appearance.


This is her recent poop (not as yellow as it looks in the picture under fluorescent light):


I know this is no substitute for a vet visit but no one near me can see her until next week. Any ideas? What should I be doing?
Please let me know if I can supply further info that would be helpful. She’s our favorite hen, I hope we can do something to help her 😢
Is a vet an option?
Unfortunately, I only have one near me that I’ve found to accept chickens and they said they have nothing available until next Monday when the appropriate doctor is in. I don’t think she’ll live that long at this rate.
Hello, I just used Poultry DVM and here are some possible things. This has never happened with my chickens before so I'm just guessing.


You could also do an ultrasound at the vet to see if any ruptured or whole eggs are in her still.
Also see this link:
I think the best way to find out is get her checked out at a vet if that is possible, they will likely find out what's wrong with her.
Hello, I just used Poultry DVM and here are some possible things. This has never happened with my chickens before so I'm just guessing.
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View attachment 3797305

You could also do an ultrasound at the vet to see if any ruptured or whole eggs are in her still.
Also see this link:
I think the best way to find out is get her checked out at a vet if that is possible, they will likely find out what's wrong with her.
That’s a great symptom tool, thank you for sharing!

For what’s its worth she is not walking or standing like a penguin or waddling. She’ll have bursts where she will walk around, explore and then will ruffle up and stand completely still. Seriously like a statue!
It’s almost like she’s scared to eat. She will look at the food and get close but won’t eat it. Her eyes dart around as if she’s scared. She’s always been a loner, even when free ranging she never joins the group.
Ok, I think I feel another egg! 😩 should I proceed with calcium and is a bath too risky at this point? I don’t want to stress her further. Her vent looks dry.

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