Change of plans

Well they are doing good, eating and drinking, such a size difference between the marans and favacauna, and the blrw and ameraucana. All the big girls besides Betty and Prue could care less about them at this point. It took Prue almost 3hrs of in and out bitching and complaining to lay her egg🤣


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The garden bed is planted. Sugar snap peas, atomic tomatoes, top hat tomatoes, blot peppers, spinach, little gem lettuce, lemon squash, aswald eggplant, mixed greens, and all the herbs 😁


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@lluveggers the white chicken(lightly splash) in the video is my WTB 😁
She’s a beauty! 😍
The garden bed is planted. Sugar snap peas, atomic tomatoes, top hat tomatoes, blot peppers, spinach, little gem lettuce, lemon squash, aswald eggplant, mixed greens, and all the herbs 😁
Looks great! I’m itching to get out in the garden! I can’t plant my tomatoes til May! Will seed them indoors in the next few weeks. What garden zone are you in? Zone 5 has a ways to go! 😂


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The garden bed is planted. Sugar snap peas, atomic tomatoes, top hat tomatoes, blot peppers, spinach, little gem lettuce, lemon squash, aswald eggplant, mixed greens, and all the herbs 😁
You'll want to put some smaller mesh between the chickens and your garden bed.
They can reach their heads thru the 2x4 mesh holes a good 6".
She’s a beauty! 😍

Looks great! I’m itching to get out in the garden! I can’t plant my tomatoes til May! Will seed them indoors in the next few weeks. What garden zone are you in? Zone 5 has a ways to go!
Thank you she's an awesome lady!❤I'm in zone 8, it's been in the 70's all week and since I was getting the littles I just took off the rest of the week to get things going. I feel ya, my sister lives in Pennsylvania and is dying to start her garden, lol
You'll want to put some smaller mesh between the chickens and your garden bed.
They can reach their heads thru the 2x4 mesh holes a good 6".
It's 2x3, but yeah I'm gonna put up some of the 1in chicken wire I have left to keep them out of it. To be perfectly honest, I am so sore today from yesterday I just couldn't get it done, planting was much easier🤣
Holy crap I'm whooped! Got the planter bed done today and I'm debating whether I'm going to pull out the seeds and get to planting or wait till tomorrow🤔 will be picking up the littles first thing in the a.m.
It's great! I love seeing empty garden beds primed and ready to go. :drool

The garden bed is planted. Sugar snap peas, atomic tomatoes, top hat tomatoes, blot peppers, spinach, little gem lettuce, lemon squash, aswald eggplant, mixed greens, and all the herbs 😁
Nice choices! I've got my sugar snaps in the ground too, but the rest will have to wait for things to warm up. My 2nd attempt at blot peppers too, only got a few fruit last year so hoping a seed warming pad will get the plants bigger before they go into the ground.
It's great! I love seeing empty garden beds primed and ready to go. :drool

Nice choices! I've got my sugar snaps in the ground too, but the rest will have to wait for things to warm up. My 2nd attempt at blot peppers too, only got a few fruit last year so hoping a seed warming pad will get the plants bigger before they go into the ground.
I love ordering from baker creek, but some of these heirloom seeds are finicky! This is also my second year with the blot peppers too, last year I waited to long and they never matured. This is my 3 year with the aswald eggplant, last year the plant did great, but never produced fruit (once again I waited to long) lol. I'm not playing around this year🤣😉

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