Can chickens “faint”


Jul 30, 2020
Hi all

Hoping for some advice and opinions on one of my silkies. She’s 1.5 years old she has had a very bad issue laying soft shell eggs and has been to the vet because of this. My vet advised her to be on Zolcol D 2ml everyday for 2 weeks then 2ml x2 a week.

I’ve mentioned her on here before she’s got quite saggy skin (saggy crop, sometimes prolapses, saggy bottom) she was out free ranging with the others today and when I went to get her in I couldn’t catch her so we ended up walking round in circles for a while till I could get her.

As soon as I put her in the coop she was unable to stand she was falling over spreading her wings out and her respiratory rate was up and she was panting, she then went puffed up on the floor with her eyes shut. I’ve just checked on her 15 minutes later and she’s extremely quiet but she is pecking about, but then fluffs up again.

She obviously was stressed from me trying to catch her and I wondered if this falling over could be a stress response ? I don’t want to assume it’s that incase she needs to get to the vet but she hasn’t fallen over since and her respiratory rate is slowing down. But she does stop pecking puff up and shut her eyes, not sure if best to leave her be as taking to the vet is obviously stressful or if there is something else going on and hoped you’d be able to offer me some advice

I’ve attached a photo of how she is now


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What was the temperature like while you were trying to catch her? And how long did the chase go on? If it's hot and the chase goes on very long, a chicken can actually die from heat stroke and stress. Best, if at all possible, when you need to catch a chicken for treatment, to do it after dark. Wait till after they roost and go out and pluck them off the roost.

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