broody call duck info please

Oct 13, 2023
I am planning on letting my girl call duck, Johnny, go broody next year (2024) it will be her first year laying eggs, she hatched this year on the 26th of May (2023),
My question is will she go broody as it will be her first year?
I have two male calls which we bought when Johnny hatched as nobody else in her clutch hatched (I incubated 17 call eggs) the boys, Buttercup (the alpha male) and Puddle, have never breed before so will they successfully fertilise any eggs that Johnny lays?
Johnny ⬇️
The black one with the most white on his chest is buttercup and the black one with the least white is puddle
Broodiness is upto the individual bird, I would recommend you use an incubator as call ducklings often have a hard time hatching and need assistance.
I Don't know but what I read was that the mother duck will help the ducklings hatch, I saw a video of a mother call helping her baby hatch but she could have been an experienced mum.
I Don't know but what I read was that the mother duck will help the ducklings hatch, I saw a video of a mother call helping her baby hatch but she could have been an experienced mum.
They will not help the babies hatch, that a myth. They are physically incapable of helping in any meaningful way. I'd recommend reading around this website for information. Many experienced people are here. :]
I just wanted to write to anyone that comes across this more info is always welcome
(I will sometimes come across a thread and see some one has already posted and I don't post anything)
Just wanted to ad to this thread about your trio even tho its a bit late to be commenting. If you plan to breed call ducks, you'll get much better results having btwn 2 & 5 females per male in your flock! 2 males to 1 female could render her seriously injured or losing her life entirely. The males tend to get really forceful and relentless when their hormones for mating kick into high gear and will mate females to literal death if she's the only one available. Should always have more females than males in a flock or an entirely same sex flock if one doesn't want them to breed.
We where planning on getting some more call ladys, I had found some and we were going to ask about them but Johnny got sick (it was not the boys) she got egg bound after laying her 3rd egg the first one that was normal sized I think it damaged her, we were going to take her to the vet and then woke up to her gone, it was so hard she was my baby
as for her egg we hatched it and then at 3 days old the duckling, named Jo Jo (short for Johnny junior), died
We hatched some more eggs and now we have spot, pip and petunia they are 4 weeks old, and dot, hiccup and peach they are 2 weeks old
Spot a magpie coloured
Petunia white with a black spot on her back
Pip pure white
Dot blue Pied
Hiccup Pied (I think)
Peach, Apricot, butterscotch or something else
And my poor baby, buttercup (Johnny's mate) is heart broken he goes into the house to look for her and he sits in her nest box with his brother watching and protects it

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