wry neck

  1. K

    Wry Neck & Immobility: When is it time to give up?

    At what point does wry neck, likely caused by an injury, become irreversible? We discovered our silkie in this condition early today. We've been giving her vitamin E and egg, but she's immobile, lying on her side, kicking in the air, with her eyes fluttering and neck curled under. When we hold...
  2. Duckloveportugal

    Wry neck or other condition in newborn duck.

    Good morning everyone. I started incubating duck eggs for the first time 26 days ago. My first duck was born in day 24 and the second in day 25 im still waiting for more of them to hatch. But the second born duck has apparently some neck problem and cant put his head straight, he also walks...
  3. W

    Wry neck/blood in poop

    I had to treat my chicks this year with Corid twice, within a couple weeks. All seemed fine after the second round. A few days ago, one of my older hens found her way into the baby chick pen and terrorized the now 6-7 week old babies. The next day, I realized my silkie had wry neck. I have no...
  4. P

    Is this Wry neck?

    My 3 week old chick has been turning its head to the right. It is still eating drinking and running around normal. He can even turn its neck around the opposite way to nibble its feathers but there is a definite bend to the right at all times. This has been going on for a week. I’ve been...
  5. M

    Is This Wry Neck?

    My silkie D’uccle mix has started circling repeatedly at times, and seems to be turning her head and tail at odd angles. Her appetite hasn’t let up and she has no trouble eating. Has anyone seen this behaviors before? Should I be concerned? And if so, what should I do about it?
  6. Tanya22

    Fungal infection or Respiratory issues of rooster with wry neck

    Hi everyone. For almost 2 months now, my rooster has been suffering from wry neck and weak legs. He also has a breathing issue.. if he stumbles even a little bit, he starts breathing heavily. His nose sounds completely stuffed. He head is almost down to the floor the entire time he is standing...
  7. LiizardWiitch

    Wry neck

    I have a 9 week old silkie chick with terrible wry neck. Ive been doing the typical vitamin treatments for about 6 days and antibiotics for 3 days. This poor chick is not getting better. It has moments where it can stand upright and walk around, but if it tried to drink on its own its neck get...
  8. A

    Gosling cant lift head or walk - help!

    Help!! Went to put the birds away and found this gosling laying in the yard not doing too well. He/she has perked up a tiny bit after putting her under the heat lamp for a little while....but still can't lift its head and has a messy rear end. Is this wry neck?? I tried holding her head to...
  9. NLmedic709

    Is this wry neck?

    Hello everyone, meet Crookie- one of my chocolate Orpington hens. She is nearly a year old now, and last December she began stargazing, walking backwards and separating herself from the flock. So, she moved into the “hospital” in our garage and has been there all winter. Initially she was in...
  10. Sunshade82

    Unbalanced/head tipping up +vent discharge & death

    My 4 year old chicken Goldie was unable to walk so I brought her in to check her out. I don’t see any noticable injuries to her legs or feet. When she stands she immediately loses her balance and tips over. I was watching her last night while she napped and it’s like her head wouldn’t stay...
  11. Tanya22

    Deworming a sick chicken with wry neck

    Hey everyone! My chicken (rooster, 5 & a half yrs old) has been pretty sick the past one month and i've basically been hand feeding him 3 times a day. I've tried treating him for breathing issue with antibiotics, but it hasnt worked. His neck is twisted (wry neck), his head droops, he stumbles...
  12. Cocohens

    Twisted neck on week old Chick

    Hi there, I have just hatched 13 chick eggs from a mixed batch. One of them was fine for a couple of days but has developed a horrible twist in its neck. I have been feeding it egg yolk and chick crumb. Can someone advise me on the best form of treatment please.
  13. BerthaBoo

    Please Help - Super weak baby chick!

    Hi all, I had a broody hatch out 5 chicks, and one was still in the egg a day after the rest. Because momma is flighty and was already taking breaks off the nest, I took this one inside and popped it in the incubator hoping it would finish the hatch. I ended up having to assist the hatch, but...
  14. Q

    Quail chick foot is swollen

    Hello, my quail chick has a swollen foot, it doesn’t seem to be bumblefoot because it is swelling on the top of the foot rather the bottom. Could it possibly be a form of gout? This is my first time hatching and raising quail. I also have a chick with wry neck and I purchased the 80ml vitamin E...
  15. Fuzzychicken98

    Sickly Serama Hen

    I got home the other day and she had serious wry neck. She is an indoor only chicken. I immediately gave her an oral dose of poultry cell. I have polish and silkies, vitamin deficiencies are always a worry. But 2 days later. Now she barely walks. Her wattles are on and off pale. I finally got...
  16. Tanya22

    Weak rooster with wry neck and respiratory issue

    Hey everyone! My rooster developed a wry neck and had some respiratory issues before. I decided to treat with a 5 day course of tetracycline and also multivitamin drops + half capsule of vitamin e daily. His antibiotics course ended yesterday but there's no improvement. He keeps sleeping and his...
  17. smseverson

    squishy crop but no longer throwing up ... and another with wry neck

    Two issues occurring in our tiny flock right now and I've always found great advise on this sight so reaching out for more(?) advise/guidance. Sour Crop: We are on day 3 of something going on with one of our 6 year old barred rock hens. She has been lethargic and throwing up. Based on...
  18. sierrabrady

    Possible wry neck ?

    I could really use some advice! We had a raccoon attack our flock 10 days ago and lost one hen and found two more injured. One of them had a small cut on the red outer part of her eye and that eye was swollen shut for a day or two after the attack but the eye itself looks fine. She was clearly...
  19. rooney85

    Silkie losing weight

    Hi all! We have a silkie that has been losing weight over the last few weeks that just has me stumped. Shes bearded and has a pretty epic poof, and is probably about 6 months old at this point. I trimmed her feathers back from her face and she mostly lives inside as the winter has been tough and...
  20. B

    Polish cock with wry neck, suggestions and help wanted!!

    My 1 year old silver laced polish rooster got wry neck in early december, not long after his brother died on Pneumonia. He tuckes his head under his body and only on his right side. He is eating and drinking on his own, and will ge up to walk from one end of his temperary housing to the other to...
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