
  1. LilHitzel

    Mites, Feather Pecking or a Molt?

    Mites, feather pecking or a molt? 5 out of 6 hens are losing feathes on their necks, heads, backends or stomachs. Their skin looks clean and mite-free under their feathers, they’re about a year old and we don’t have a rooster. All are laying semi-regularly, one lays soft eggs frequently. We...
  2. arstarr

    Incomplete Molt???

    One of my silver laced wyandottes started to molt and then quit midway though. She's often seen on her own so I think she is bullied. I separated her to give her time to grow her feathers in peace, but after a month of isolation she only managed to regrow the ones picked out on her back from...
  3. kanami

    tis the season!

    molting season 🪶 🥲 i swear it was more feathers than poop in the coop today when i went to clean it out;;
  4. H

    Feathers curling?

    My O Shamo rooster is going through his first molt, 5 to 6 months old, and some of the feathers are curled. Most are normal but if something is wrong I want to catch it right away. He is on a 17% all flock pellet feed. Pictures attached. Pics of full body so you see how most of his feathers look
  5. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Molting Hen Is Acting Poorly - Treatment Needed?

    My 4.5 y/o EE, Darla, is going through a pretty extreme molt. She's at the bottom of the pecking order and always pretty awkward, but is acting even more confused and flustered than usual, and is otherwise very low energy. This is normal for her during molts. However, I noticed the following...
  6. G

    Chickens are not laying

    Hi all! I am trying to get to the bottom of why my chickens aren't laying. Two of my steadfast layers (Black Sex Link and White Leghorn) never recovered after molt last fall. We finally butchered them a few weeks ago. In the last few days of her life, the leghorn was lethargic and her comb...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mid-June Molt?

    I have a flock of five hens who are all a little over 4 years old. Two of the five are starting to molt--a buff orpington and a RIR hybrid. The buff orpington had a light/mini-molt already in May, where she stopped laying for a couple of weeks and lost a small amount of feathers. This molt is...
  8. K

    ? Still molting

    2 of my rhoad Island reds (pics are of one of them as the other one doesn’t like her picture taken lol) started to slowly lose feathers last fall on their neck and breast. It’s April and they are still Slowly losing them. Can a slow molt last this long? My other chickens had a much quicker molt...
  9. P

    Sore beak/mouth/esophagus when molting?

    Just curious if anyone else's chickens have sore mouths/beaks/throat while molting? We've got 4, 18 month old, free-range Orpington's going through their first hard molt this autumn (we're in New Zealand). We've noticed that all four, when in the worst of it won't take treats or food if the...
  10. A

    Do chickens get new wing feathers?

    I had a chicken injured last fall by a dog that we were able to save, but in the process, I had to clip back feathers on one wing, so the feathers didn’t contaminate the wound and reduce risk of infection and irritation from rubbing, as the wound was right behind/under the back of her wing...
  11. AggieKat

    Lethargic, puffed up hen in molt

    Hey everyone, My chooks are going through their molt a little later than usual fall because Texas weather is crazy. Sirius started her molt and now full into it, is acting sick. It started this last weekend with fully watery poop that had bright green spots in it. I changed all their food...
  12. kanami

    bullying or molting?

    i’m so stressedddd, i’ve noticed some of my chooks are losing feathers and this is coming up on year one of me being a chicken tender and this is a first for me. i need the experts to look at all these photos and help me see if they are getting bullied or if some are molting or both! one day i...
  13. gailburt

    My Girl’s Bald Spot

    Hi all - my Hattie has a bald patch that seems to be getting worse. We noticed it a little over a month ago and put it down to molting, but I don’t think so now. We’ve checked carefully for mites, lice, etc, and see no evidence. There’s a little red spot, but that’s all I can see. Any ideas...
  14. Benshensct

    Help - Bullying/isolation question!

    I'm in Connecticut and I have three hens, two of whom started their first molt in December. My one hen, Fran (jersey giant), is going through a particularly hard molt and a lot of her skin and pin feathers are exposed on her neck/chest and underside. This has led to the other two bullying...
  15. Austinms

    Mischievous Hens

    Hello Flock, I have four 9-month-old Buff Orpingtons. They live in a small prefabricated coop (rated for four chickens but I doubt these claims) but free-range all day. I believe it is 2x2 with two roosting bars and nesting boxes (not included in the size). I have installed an automatic coop...
  16. Countryhippie

    What is happening? Is she Molting?

    Hi everyone. I have four hens. They were born August 5th 2021. So they are just over a year and a month or so old. they have never gone through a molt before and I have never experienced a molt so I dont really know what I am looking for. The Road Island Red hen pictured is just losing all of...
  17. Chickenwithnobrim

    Chicken wont eat

    Hi guys! I have a chicken with no upper beak named Paddy. I need help getting her to eat, as she has recently decided she hates layer pellets, and will only eat scrambled eggs. She is also going through a pretty rough moult that has affected her mood overall, and shes been spending large chunks...
  18. GreytChicken

    Attack During Molt

    Hello One of my Red Sexlinks, Rick, was attacked yesterday when our dog was mistakenly let out at the same time as the birds. I believe she’s recovering ok with a single puncture wound on her back. I have a strong feeling she was in the early stages of molt and loss a significant number of...
  19. D


    Hello! New chicken mom here. I’ve got 15 chickens all at 15 weeks old. They look like crap right now and I’m trying to figure out if it’s one of their juvenile molts or something else. I’ll attach pics. You can see the white tips on their heads and how scraggly they look. Also, coop looks like a...
  20. RosyChickens

    Molting? Or something else

    This is foxy, a 1 year old golden sex link, a star egg layer, queen of the free range flock of 5 mixed birds, in Oregon. Her favorite food is worms, and she will greet your car when you pull in. About a week ago I noticed a bald spot on her neck, it’s on both sides in the same place, I didn’t...
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