
  1. PaigeBundy

    3week old chicks with tumors

    I have 2 chicken chicks (silky and Naked neck) and one quail chick with tumors. Is this marek? They don’t have any neurologic symptoms. Eating and growing normally. Doesn’t seem to be painful. Clearly contagious bc 3 have it. Should I cull them?
  2. J

    Big growth/scab coming out of chickens nostril

    Hi, My silkie hen, 1 year old, has a growth coming out of her nose. We have removed it once with salt water to soften it although actually it was impossible and just had to be knocked off, it was hard and yellow in the middle, foul smelling and left her nostril red raw. She is not laying and is...
  3. C

    What live/dressed weights are you getting from your heritage /crosses meat birds?

    I'm experimenting and looking for heritage breeds (New Hampshire, Bresse, Jersey, australorp, Maline) which I can reproduce and incubate eggs without needing to continuously buy them. I am also thinking of crosses, like: New Hampshire x Standard Cornish, Bresse X Standard Cornish. Open to...
  4. rasberrysoda

    Fleshy growth on left side of chicken above wing area

    My 4 year old Sussex has this weird fleshy growth, I think it’s on the side of her neck or just above her wing area. I noticed it last month but she ran away from me (she’s never taken a liking to humans) and it seemed to disappear so I just thought it was perhaps a bit of meat that fell on her...
  5. H

    one-month-old chick can't close its mouth completely. lesion, canker, growth?

    Please help. I have 2 one month old chicks that have been completely isolated since the day the mother hen hatched them. 2 days ago, I noticed what I thought was food stuck in the inside tip of its beak. When I tried to remove it, I realized it was fleshy and attached. It is much worse today...
  6. katiebokbok

    Skin balloon, tag, growth

    I just noticed this on my 2 week old gander gosling. The hatchery said that it's just a growth. It's crusty at the base, they said to use antibiotic cream if needed. It's on his belly. We are taking him to the vet if and when he needs it removed.
  7. S

    Growth on Chick

    This chick just hatched today and has a growth on its head. Any idea what this is? Will it probably not make it?
  8. Chixmixopolis

    3.5 week old chick with beak bump. Located where a wattle would form. Can anyone identify and advise?

    Rhode Island Red growing like a weed. 3.5 weeks now. Good natured. No issues but noticed this little bump. It's hard, located under bottom beak like where wattle would grow and on one side, her left, only. Does not ooze, although I touched, bot squeezed. Could not be dry Fowl Pox from what I've...
  9. Chickenwithnobrim

    Weekly growth ameraucana chicks

    Hi! This is my first time raising chicks and i bought 3 ameraucanas; one blue, one black, one splash. Im starting this thread on week 2 but im excited to see how they turn out and would love some guesses on gender and future coloring. So far i think the splash and black are boys, and the blue a...
  10. F

    First silkie babies! Progression pictures/sex guesses for funsies!

    Back in April a decided to embark on my first hatching egg journey. I had been wanting to try for a while. I inherited my first flock of chickens when I bought my house and when we switched to silkies I got them as pullets, So I missed the chick stage twice. The pullets seemed lonely in the...
  11. R

    Rhode island chick with wartlike growths around the eyes

    Has anyone encountered muscle-like cyst growths around the eyes on a 2-4week old rhode island chicks. No issue found on their eating/drinking. Still active just has the growths. Photo is attached. How do you treat this? Thank you in advance for any response.
  12. P

    Please help! Face growth on precious peahen!!!

    Hello, I have a darling peahen named Bubble, sadly in the last few weeks I noticed a growth appearing under her beak on her face, I wasn’t sure what it was and whether it was something to worry about or if it would just go away on its own. Unfortunately, the growth has not gone away and has...
  13. G

    My 8 month old chicken stopped growing 7 weeks

    In late July last year my chicken had some babies, they seemed to be fine until about seven weeks ago, one of the baby hens stopped growing. her mother and father are both normally sized birds I’m not sure what is causing this. of this batch, they all shared the same father (though had different...
  14. P

    Help eye is swollen shut and the growth has pushed the beak out of line. Difficulty eating and swallowing

    Came into the coop today to let them out and this little one seems to, from what I can feel when I went to clean her eye. Has had it either pecked or scratched out. There is no sensation nor sight of an eye underneath all the massive swelling. I don’t have a clue what might have caused this but...
  15. C

    Limping, swollen leg with hard bump

    Hey my polish hen (1y/o). Has been limping for a while and we noticed her leg at the joint was swollen. We’ve been trying to keep her comfortable to heal but recently we noticed a growth/bump on the same leg but not by the joint. She doesn’t have this bump on her other leg. Any ideas what it is?
  16. arizona_chicken_noob

    3 months old... About when do they reach full size?

    I am totally new to chickens and my Dominiques are 3 months old now. I'm wondering, about when are they full grown and/or how large should I expect them to be? I know that Dominiques are slightly smaller than other breeds, and I know "five pounds" is a weight estimate, but I am clueless to the...
  17. S

    Stages Of Kits (Baby Rabbits) Life From Day 1-8 Weeks

    Stages Of Kits (Baby Rabbits) Life from Day 1- 8 Weeks. DAY 1: Domestic Female Rabbits kindle in a nest/brood box normally on day 31 of their pregnancy (though they occasionally will kindle earlier or later) and when she does, day 1 of the new kits' life begins. They are born blind, deaf...
  18. M

    Sudden Growth on Turkey's Back

    Hi all! I'm currently away at college and my family sends me updates of my pet Broad Breasted White turkey back home. Last night I was sent these pictures and told this growth showed up on his back within the day. My parents let him out in the morning with no sign of it and by the time they...
  19. Rodayan

    Bone spur on wing? Can't find any info on what this is

    Hi there, One of my chickens has a weird growth on her wing. She's had it for about a year now and it keeps getting bigger. At first it just looked like a fat lump covered in skin under the feathers, but now it has like bone growing out of it. She doesn't seem at all bothered by it, she was...
  20. anna p

    What is this large hollow growth?!

    My partridge cochin has been keeping her distance from me for several days now, but still eating, drinking, and laying just fine. Today I noticed she was walking strangely, so I picked her up to examine her. She seemed to have some hardened poop on her foot, so I put her in a warm bath to soak...
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