
  1. chickennl0ver

    broody chicken with crop problems, please help!

    backstory on pearls: she is a 4-year-old splash cochin, and she has currently been broody for around 2 weeks (this is her second time being broody this year and i am assuming the "cause" for these crop issues). so 2 days ago i noticed that my chicken pearls was having some issue with her crop...
  2. M

    Sour Crop or Something More Serious?

    Hi all, One of our lovely girls has a suspected case of sour crop, but I'm worried it may be something worse. The right side of her chest, where the crop is, is very enlarged to about the size of a tennis ball, I'd say. She is big for a hen and hasn't started laying even though she's about 7...
  3. Emrosenagel

    Pullet with an empty crop before bed

    Hello! This is a first time occurrence with this particular chicken, so I’m not overtly concerned, but I am curious. My pullets (13 weeks, bantams Serama/cochins) occasionally go bed with empty crops. It varies on who it is, but it just seems odd. They act normal and eat/drink. We’re having...
  4. NelsonNedLover

    Sticky/Clear Mucus(?) Desperate

    Hi all, I have a 5-year-old Bantam rooster who has been sick for about a month now. He had been doing this gagging/regurgitating motion and acting lethargic. He was treated by a vet for a bacterial crop infection and given antibiotics. After a week, he was cured of this infection. Although he...
  5. Timbers Happy Hens

    English Orpington huge crop

    I have a silver laced English Orpington that has an absolutely ginormous crop. It’s empty every morning but she just refills it by the evening with an astronomical amount of food. It’s roughly the size of a softball. My question is, is it unhealthy for her to do this? Is this breed more prone to...
  6. J

    Impacted Crop on Duckling

    Hi, this is Donald, we found him loitering by himself on the road and decided to take him home. He's been with us for a week now and because I have no idea what to feed him as we were not prepared to have a duckling border in our home I've been feeding him uncooked rice grains these past days...
  7. sophielophiemophiepophie

    Lethargic and soft-egg laying hen

    Hi! I have a 2 year old buff orpington hen and in the recent weeks shes lost a significant amount of weight and has a loss of appetite. I don’t think its sourcrop; her crop nor breath smell and her crop isn’t swollen — its actually very small and squishy (maybe because she isnt eating?). Shes...
  8. Crop size, the digestive process and what influence it may have on feeding regimes.

    Crop size, the digestive process and what influence it may have on feeding regimes.

    If you’ve arrived at this article looking for solutions to crop problems this article is unlikely to be of help. More relevant information can be found in the two excellent articles below...
  9. Emrosenagel

    Chicken doesn’t have a lot of food in crop at night

    Hello! I have a pair of 7mo Blue Andalusians and a broody Cochin who I’m not concerned about. Now, Rachel - one of my blues - I’ve noticed doesn’t have a very full crop at night. I noticed this weeks ago, but didn’t think too much of it. It isn’t empty, and I do see her eat (if not as...
  10. The Welch Chickens

    Hen shaking her crop and acting weird. (Updated with recovery!)

    My hen has been acting weird for about two weeks. It seems she had had crop problems on and off. I have been feeling her coconut oil every time, but today I’m worried something is seriously wrong. She is sluggish and shakes her crop strangely. I have been trying to feel her crop, but she is...
  11. S

    Impacted crop from oyster shells?

    Has anyone ever experienced an impacted crop from oyster shells? We thought one of our chickens had sour crop and after taking it to the vet for a crop flush we were told she had stones in her crop. This didn't exactly make sense given the "stone" we were shown was bright white and looked...
  12. C

    Chicken has empty crop at night

    My chicken seems fine throughout the day, walks, I see her eating and drinking water, her poop seems normal but yesterday I noticed her crop felt empty. It felt empty but it also did feel like she had barely ate something. Right now I felt her crop and it feels the same again. What could be the...
  13. C

    Boiled Fennel Seed without crop issues, good for digestion?

    So pretty straight forward question as titled. As opposed to my wife throwing out fennel seeds since she never uses them, I did a search in the forums and found it can be useful for impacted crops. Since none of my flock is impacted. I wonder if anyone knows or has experience serving a dish...
  14. S

    Crop problem or something else?

    Dear fellow chicken enthusiasts, I am seeking help and advice. Last week, I discovered a hard crop in one of my 3 chickens. Immediately, I administered 10ml of water with 20% apple cider vinegar, which allowed me to massage the crop. In the following days, I checked the crop every morning and...
  15. MissGreenJeans

    Molting chicken not completely emptying crop

    Hi, everyone, Hoping for some advice. I have a 2.5-year-old Ameraucana hen named Sunny Side Up who’s been going through a hard molt. She feels thin and appears to have lost weight. About a week ago, I noticed that she was spending some of her day looking puffed up and squinty eyed—like she felt...
  16. AngelinaThePekin8

    Help duckling has puncture wound in crop foods coming out of it

    One of my four week old free range ducklings has a hole in her crop and foods coming out of it. I don't really know what to do I just noticed it today it seems fresh and it doesn't have blood or any signs of infection. I will get some photos of it as soon as possible. I have the duckling...
  17. jomary2013

    Chicken has sour crop. Crop feels like a bean bag?

    so my chicken has not been acting the same since Monday. Sits most of the day not eating drinks some water. Symptoms sound like sour crop. Her crop doesn’t empty in the morning. Yesterday I started massaging her crop and while I was doing that it felt like a bean bag or filled with beads. Is...
  18. arstarr

    Full Crop Won't Clear

    I noticed about two weeks ago that my 16 week old pullet had an enlarged crop. No worries, didn't think much of it. I only noticed because she started to make a gesture like she was gagging (I know chickens can't gag, but that was what it looked like). Went on a vacation and came back, and it...
  19. 8

    Bantam healing after crop torn open from animal attack

    Hi everyone! I wanted to post about our little bantam and hopefully offer some encouragement for others who have chickens with crop injuries. She had a bad injury almost 3 weeks ago and we were leaning towards putting her out of her misery, as we really didn't think she would survive and we...
  20. M

    Mystery injury

    I have a little barred rock rooster who is on the small side and is around over 3 months old now I think. He started limping one day and it seemed to come and go, then I noticed him making a pain noise while drinking water so I checked his crop and he seemed to have sour crop. I massaged his...
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