
  1. Fur and Feather Momma

    Raising ostriches in Alberta, Canada

    Hi, I am brand new to this site and forum. My hubby and I are slowly getting set up to raise a trio of ostriches. We are in Alberta, Canada. If anyone has any tips or pointers that you feel is a "must know," please share. We will be doing this for ourselves initially until we learn, then would...
  2. drobilla

    New to chickens and BYC.

    We have 5 chantecler chicks that are 5 weeks old today. I have been looking at this site for some tips for a little over a month. I suspect we will fall prey to "chicken math' soon... ;) My wife and I have a son (13), a small Havanese dog, 1 canary (great signer) and 5 chickens for now. My son...
  3. TheBirdLady2001

    Anyone from Canada?

    Hello! I am located in southern Canada, next to the border. I was wondering if anyone has any quail - doesn’t matter what breeds. Post on here if you need to sell some! :)
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