
Really cheap plastic fencing

Don't waste your money if you need a temporary fence for your ducks to forage on a new area on your land or something to protect small plants. Snow-fence is available for little money and perfect for the job.

General Information

Aleko, multiple
Aleko, multiple
Multi Purpose Safety Snow Fence 4 x 100 Feet Orange
Product Price
My ducks have a large fenced in area around the house where they will keep the grass short, eat pesky bugs and fertilize the plants. But sometimes i want them to work on a different spot, like for example my potato patch. And i don't like when they eat my peppermint plants, dig out the tomatoes and peppers and trample my rhubarb!

The fence doesn't need to be like a transportable prison, my ducks are very obedient, they could easily flap over all my fences, as they are just 2 feet tall, but they understood that i want them to be inside of the fence and they stay there. And no need for the fence to keep predators out as the ducks are only be in those temporary areas when i am around and they are all locked up on their duck-platform over night.

I calculated that i would need about 60 meters (~200 foot) of a lightweight, easy to move fence and searched for months on several farm-store web-sites. Everything i found was too complex, too heavy and mostly way too expensive, but then i stumbled over those orange "snow fences" made out of cheap plastic, four feet tall and 100 feet long for just $30.

At first i set up the fence with its full height, using bamboo sticks and pressed my ducks into forced labor on the freshly tilled potato patch:
You can see the orange fence in the background. It was very windy on the next day and the bamboo sticks snapped, so i decided to cut the fence lenght-wise and create two pieces of 100x2 feet. The lower fence has a lower wind resistance and i have twice the length of fence. - In the end i cut it in three pieces, one short piece to protect the plants around the patio:

And two long pieces that i used to fence in a large piece of fresh pasture for my duckies to enjoy:

The plastic is attached with zip-ties at the top to the short (3') bamboo sticks:

The cut side is on the ground and looks like this:

I am using this really cheap stuff now since two weeks, we had wind-storms during that time, rain, sun and frost. I have moved the fence three times and it is still in one piece. The total cost for me was just the ~30$ as i already had the bamboo sticks and the zip-ties. - Add another $10 for those and you have a nice solution for temporary fencing for just $40.

Edit 2019-04-28: The temporary fence needed some improvement, my three Runner girls figured out how to slide through under the fence and roam free on the rest of my property. Came back from down at the mailbox and found three ducks on my driveway. As an easy fix i laid a brick on the bottom of each fence section.

Latest reviews

good inexpensive and helpful
Pros: cheap, flexible, weatherproof, colorful, contains birds, protects plants
I use this to protect a garden area from my neighbors dogs, but also have considered using some as a duck corral too
Pros: Cost-effective
I have been looking to create a moveable pasture for my ducks for the last several months - now I know what I'm going to do! Thanks.


I was thinking of using tent stakes around the bottom, as this will be moved around our backyard and we did not want brick squares of dead grass each time moved because its for only 6-10 chickens depending the time of year. So it just won't be me bed very often.
Wanted to share the idea that we got from this for around the bottom of the kids trampoline to keep the dogs out and chickens in. I got mine at Ace Hardware Spokane WA for 15.99(we got an employee discount so I paid 13.89) 15ftx4ft its quite thick gage and is hardware wire sized holes. Thanks for the inspiration!
I was thinking of using tent stakes around the bottom, as this will be moved around our backyard and we did not want brick squares of dead grass each time moved because its for only 6-10 chickens depending the time of year. So it just won't be me bed very often.
That is a very good idea! Do chickens tend to crawl under fences? My ducks have excelled in that, so i have to put a brick on the bottom of the fence every four foot… :-(
I was thinking of using tent stakes around the bottom, as this will be moved around our backyard and we did not want brick squares of dead grass each time moved because its for only 6-10 chickens depending the time of year. So it just won't be me bed very often.
I’m more doing so the dogs can be out when the chickens are and the dogs won’t go under and the chickens maybe figure out how to get under the fence?
I was thinking of using tent stakes around the bottom, as this will be moved around our backyard and we did not want brick squares of dead grass each time moved because its for only 6-10 chickens depending the time of year. So it just won't be me bed very often.
I also want to grow my grass as nice as possible and would be confident the dogs couldn’t get the chickens and with wrapping the underneath part of our trampoline I can also keep dogs off areas I’m having the chickens fertilize! I like how you step on to push in and the ducks wouldn’t be able to pull out of the ground. What size of brick do you use?
Love this idea! I've seen this type of fence in a few catalogs, but hadn't seriously considered it. No good reason, really.
After looking at your pictures, I can see how useful it is - and would make a nice temporary/portable fence for my birds - once they're old enough to be outside.
Thank you so much for the fantastic idea!
That is a very good idea! Do chickens tend to crawl under fences? My ducks have excelled in that, so i have to put a brick on the bottom of the fence every four foot… :-(
Another duck owner. 100deg pacnw heat wave had three hens sitting on eggs in the direct sun. Snow fence to the rescue -- or not. One really, really wanted to get back to that spot and wriggled under despite tent stakes. Watch out for those houdini ducks. Every other time its worked great.

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