
Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock originated in New England in the 19th Century & were created by using breeds such as Dominique, Dorkings Cochins, etc.

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light Brown
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Easily handled, Bears confinement well, Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
White, Partridge, Buff, Barred, Blue, Columbian, Silver Penciled, Black. RED
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Plymouth Rock is a very popular duel-purpose American breed, known for their excellent laying ability, general hardiness, and calm good nature which makes them a good choice for small backyard flocks and homesteaders.

Chickens called "Plymouth Rocks" were shown as early as 1849, but that flock disappeared and later strains from several different breeders combined to form the foundation of today’s Plymouth Rock breed. Mr. D.A. Upham of Worcester, MA is credited as being one of the primary influences on the breed, he first exhibited his birds at the Worcester, MA poultry exhibition in 1869. His birds are generally acknowledged to be the ancestors of the breed we know today.

A number of different breeds are reputed to have gone into the formation of the Plymouth Rock, including Dominique, Brahma, Black Java and Cochin. The breed gained a great deal of popularity quickly and the Plymouth Rock became the most popular farm chicken in the United States up until WWII.

The original color of the breed was Barred and early in the breeds history the name "Plymouth Rock" implied a barred bird. Barred varieties remain the most popular color today. As more color varieties were developed, the name Plymouth Rock became the designation for the entire breed, which can now can be found in other colors including White, Buff, Partridge, Silver Penciled, Columbian and Blue.

The Barred Plymouth Rock was one of the breeds used as the foundation for the commercial broiler industry in the united States in the 1920's and the White Rock is still often used as the female side of the Cornish Rocks or Cornish Cross type commercial broiler cross.

They are single combed, quite winter hardy, and the hens are good layers of brown eggs. They are occasionally broody and make good setters and mothers.

The Plymouth Rock breed was recognized by the APA in 1874 and is on The Livestock Conservancy's Recovering list.

Plymouth Rock juvenile
Plymouth rock chicks

Plymouth Rock hen

Plymouth Rock rooster

For more information on Plymouth Rocks and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

Love my Babies
Pros: Sweet and very friendly
Cons: None
I have gotten 3 Barred Rocks, they’re 9 weeks old and the sweetest, friendliest birds. All 3 will sit on my lap or arm and snuggle in for pets. We have one girl Mabel, who’s so curious and funny. When transitioning to the coop from brooder ( brooder was inside ) we’d take them to the coop in a tub for a few hours, then gather them up to bring back in. Mabel jumped on top of the tub to “supervise” until all girls were inside the tub then she’d jump into the tub herself. She’d repeat the process when going back into their brooder as well. Just love her. Love this breed. We also have Gold Lace Wyandottes and those girls are the fighters seems to be. We have 3 Black Jersey Giants and equally sweet as Barred rocks but are very shy and quiet.
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Pros: Really friendly and come in many colors.
I also have this breed of chicken. One of my chickens, Grandma is a brown Plymouth Rock (which can be mistaken as a Barnevelder). Unlike other Plymouth Rocks, Tony seems to be more anxious.
Pros: Social
Cons: Can get picked on easily
I have some of these sweeties of my own and they are super sweet.I think they are nautrally social and loving to their humans.
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Thanks everyone for the tips. I posted the part about the egg color because the supplier has this beautiful, huge color poster above the chick pen--and this fancy marketing piece from a chick supplier had the wrong info. I figure my supplier isn't the only place using the poster! Hope to help other buyers beware, in case egg color was the factor in their choice.
I have owned a Barred Rock, named Dale, and she was one of the most tamed of our chickens...Her and her sidekick Chip, the GLW, used to steal the bag of crickets and run around the yard with them...I loved my barred rock...one of the best chickens to have (in my opinion)
I have a young Barred Rock and he is very tame and affectionate so far. I hope he doesn't get aggressive. We only wanted hens and he slipped through. We decided to keep him since we are so attached already.
Beautiful photos of your chickens.... I have two BPRs and they are great. Now, do I need to put them on a diet so they don't get fat??? :O)
I get a kick out of my three BR pullets. They are very curious and BOSSY with the other chickens! They're first to run up and eat out of my hand and they push the others away to be first. Very friendly UNLESS you approach them while they are in the nest box. Forget a growl and a hiss - those girls will CUT YOU if you try to reach underneath them! I call 'em my "broads."
NorthTexaschick - I love that you call them your broads, I may borrow that for mine, so on the money! MatrixEscapee, my Cornish are the most aggressive and FASTest, but the BR are right up there. My poor Wyandottes are bottom of the barrel, the BR run them over. My first BR egg was on Monday in a nest about 9" deep in the hay basket. I know which hen it was because she wouldn't let me near the basket before she laid the egg. And was giving me the evil eye when I collected the egg. Boy did she scream and shout while laying it. Since, she's moved to an inverted basket that the quail had been using for a respite from the hens. I'm not sure how she gets under it, but she's a crafty one. :)
I have 15 Chickens total. Of that 6 are BR. They are without a doubt my most friendly chickens as well. They will follow me all around the yard as long I'm out their. They make me feel special, lol.
I have four hens and one rooster that are barred rocks. they have been very good consistant layers, after three years now they have finally slacked up. I let them out of thier coop in the afternoons and they run around. When I need them back I can call them and they come running, or I can simply leave thier coop open and they put themselves up at night....
I love Barred Rocks, they sometimes become very "proud" that they laid an egg and have to tell all the gals in the henhouse about it. I have three, but these 3 amigas aren't very friendly...yet. My Buff Orpy's are REALLY friendly and curious too. How did you tame them? I feed from my hand and they take the food but aren't warming up. Patience, it's a virtue
I was talking to someone who raises poultry & is veryinvolved with the Poutry Association in Hillsborough County & I told him I was looking for a "Pet" Rooster for my 5 Hens...All Different :) 1 of the breeds he sugested was a Plymouth Rock!
I'm Still Looking for a Rooster in or near the Brandon Fl. Area Well Manered! Willing to consider a different breed but must be Well Manered All 5 of my Hens are easily handled & follow me around :)
Thanks GAP56-Flying Low
I'll give you a 10 month old Barred rooster if you'll pick up in NJ! I agree, that Plymouth Rocks are some of the friendliest birds. But, I have a Black Copper Marans rooster that is just a big baby because I have almost daily handled him since he was a couple of weeks old. Good luck in finding your boy!
I have two Plymouth Rock hens, Molly and Lulu, they are beautiful,friendly and
lay this big brown eggs... love them. I am thinking I might get a Plymouth Rock rooster
I been wanting to hatch some chicks..
Very interesting review. From the start (I've only had my chicks for about 2 weeks now) the little barred rock chick has been the defender of the group. The one the others will hide behind when I reach into the brooder for anything and she (I hope) always runs out to peck my hand.
They are pretty fiesty!!! It'll be interesting to see as yours get older if she retains her position as defender. Most people I know who have these say that they are most often their dominant hen. Pretty cool!

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Chicken Breeds
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4.48 star(s) 293 ratings

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