My Chick Brooder Box

Nice brooder box. This article could be improved by adding bore build details.
Cute brooder! How did you find its functionality?
Good job though but how does she get out?
The article could use more build detals
Nice, short and sweet article about building your brooder box. I would suggest maybe putting linoleum or something like that on the floor to make clean up easier. Chicks are pretty messy. The brooder is pretty small, the chicks will grow very FAST!
I would also suggest that you put some kind of window or view port in the side so the chickens can see what is going on. Perhaps use the hardware cloth like you did for the top.
I really like the top that you made and I also like that you tried to put toys in for the chicks to enrich their environment.
This is a nice brooder but pretty small. I also prefer a metal floor because wood is hard to clean. The part I like the best are your double lid doors with the screens.
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