Herbs, Flowers, and Weeds for Chickens

:thumbsup This gives me lots of ideas of what to plant for my new flock.
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Love this! We have a huge garden, wildflower field, and a woods behind us. There are a lot of things around here they shouldn't have, such as Lily of the Valley which grows wild on the hill, and whoever said silkies were smart, but they don't eat it. This is a great reference though for some things I SHOULD grow. Thank you!
This is a wonderful article. As a long time organic gardener (but new chicken mama), I've always had a little different view from most on "weeds"; so many of them are more nutritious than the gardens we're growing intentionally! I've been enjoying exposing my chicks to lots of different greens and herbs (fresh basil is the current favorite, and who can blame them, lol). A lot of the deeper-rooted weeds bring up minerals and nutrition from deep in the soil, and if you have too many to feed to your chickens, they also make a nice chopped mulch to drop around your plants. I love that having chickens now makes a holistic "closed loop" of fertility in my yard: weeds and scraps and bugs get fed to the chickens, who poop out lovely fertility, which gets composted and then feeds the next round of plants, which feed the chickens (and the humans!)... nothing is wasted.
Very helpful article. I have some fennel growing in my garden and didn’t know what to do with it. I was gonna look up how to use it and now I see I can give some to my chickens today.
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very informative!
This article was wonderful! I'm so excited! I can't wait for spring to make a herb garden for my chickens!!! So many herbs that they can eat with so many benefits! I'm gonna be buying seeds now. Lol
I loved this article! Now I'm going to be on the lookout for some weed snacks for my chickies!
Very nice article. I wish more pictures for all the plants listed, but it would be a HUGE article. I like very much that it is organized into categories. Very helpful and very comprehensive. Thank you!
Didn’t know this. I think I’ll make a chicken garden. Thanks
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Very helpful for a new chicken mom. Our pullets are ready to go outside for short excursions n soon will stay in the yard, with much clover & dandelion happy to know its good for them, now planting some edible flowers & hebs from the list. Hope i get good at suburban gardening & chicken keeping. We love our girls already.
Thank you for your time & effort 👍
As a newbie who is in love with and fascinated by my Chickies, this is a great article. We have four hawks that were born and now hang out in our backyard, so I will have to do most of the foraging. ?
Love this!
This is very usefukl. Thank you for sharing.
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This article came at just the right time. I have soo many weeds in my yard and now I can give them to the chickens! Thank you!
Great article! I had no idea honeysuckle was bad for chickens...! Is it the flowers? Leaves? Or both? I keep these planted around the property for the hummingbirds and bees.
Thank you! Very helpful to this new chicken owner.
This article has good lists and why plants are on the lists often.
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VERY helpful.
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Reactions: BlueHorse17
This is great information. I particularly enjoyed her rationale for specific plants for example; aroma, calming etc.
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