Male turkey being rough when mating


Near the clouds⛅
Jan 20, 2024
The Woods AK
I have a turkey questian for all you guys. So I have two 8 month old turkeys, one female one male. They've both been great but yesterday things got a little rowdy😬. My male tried to mate her and was super rough. He stood too far up on her back and was choking her and just sat there without moving! Thankfully I was close by so I ran and grabbed her in my arms so she could catch her breath. She was breathing super hard and I felt really bad😓. Are all young male turkeys like this at this age?? Any insite would be appreciated, thanks.
Not all Jakes/Toms make good breeders some are just too rough. But they can work it out when they are young, it can take him a bit to get the hang of things.
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I have a turkey questian for all you guys. So I have two 8 month old turkeys, one female one male. They've both been great but yesterday things got a little rowdy😬. My male tried to mate her and was super rough. He stood too far up on her back and was choking her and just sat there without moving! Thankfully I was close by so I ran and grabbed her in my arms so she could catch her breath. She was breathing super hard and I felt really bad😓. Are all young male turkeys like this at this age?? Any insite would be appreciated, thanks.
Not all toms are good breeders. I eliminate rough breeders.

It would be helpful for your hen to get more hens. One tom and one hen can lead to a dead hen especially when the tom is a bad breeder.

In my experience, bad breeders don't get better at it.
I have found that when they are rough just to get the job done or not getting it done, they don't get better and is a sure way to injure a hen. But I see many jakes first few times being very awkward and looks rough at first, but they just haven't figured out how to get into best position and do get better.
In my experience, bad breeders don't get better at it
Not all toms are good breeders. I eliminate rough breeders.

It would be helpful for your hen to get more hens. One tom and one hen can lead to a dead hen especially when the tom is a bad breeder.

In my experience, bad breeders don't get better at it.
I have found that when they are rough just to get the job done or not getting it done, they don't get better and is a sure way to injure a hen. But I see many jakes first few times being very awkward and looks rough at first, but they just haven't figured out how to get into best position and do get better.
Thank you both! I will totally try so solve this issue for my hens sake!
@R2elk, @Huntmaster do you guys think it could help getting one or two more hens to take some heat off of my other girl? I would just get another jake but thats not really an option for me. He's the exact type I need. And I cant find any other Blue slate/Bronze mixes.
@R2elk, @Huntmaster do you guys think it could help getting one or two more hens to take some heat off of my other girl? I would just get another jake but that's not really an option for me. He's the exact type I need. And I cant find any other Blue slate/Bronze mixes.
Even switching to another tom, you still need more hens. I try to keep at least 4 to 5 hens for one tom.

A Blue Slate crossed with a Bronze will be either a Barred Slate (Bb Dd) or a Barred Black (Bb dd). Neither will breed true because they are not homozygous for their color genes.
Even switching to another tom, you still need more hens. I try to keep at least 4 to 5 hens for one tom.

A Blue Slate crossed with a Bronze will be either a Barred Slate (Bb Dd) or a Barred Black (Bb dd). Neither will breed true because they are not homozygous for their color genes.
Ok thanks so much!! I will see what I can do. Thank you so much for the info you are awesome!!😁
Even switching to another tom, you still need more hens. I try to keep at least 4 to 5 hens for one tom.

A Blue Slate crossed with a Bronze will be either a Barred Slate (Bb Dd) or a Barred Black (Bb dd). Neither will breed true because they are not homozygous for their color genes.
👆 Looks like you have already gotten some good advice:)

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