If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

Went back to the vet with her today, because no improvement since Friday. We decided to euthanize her. Although she was eating when possible, and on high dosed vitamins, she wasn't able to get up, just creeping around the box on on side with feet trembling.
I still hope it was a a severe vitamin deficiency and no virus. The others are still in top form, fingers crossed that this was an isolated event.
Sorry she didn't get better. Hope everyone else stays well!
I'm sorry for your loss. You did try your very best, and so did she. I am here because I'm dealing with a similar issue with 2 of mine. Terrified of mareks. Pushing vitamins. Did any others in your flock develop any symptoms, or is everyone ok still? Thank you for sharing.
I'm sorry for your loss. You did try your very best, and so did she. I am here because I'm dealing with a similar issue with 2 of mine. Terrified of mareks. Pushing vitamins. Did any others in your flock develop any symptoms, or is everyone ok still? Thank you for sharing.
I had the same Mareks-Panic, and on top of it I introduced new hens a week before on the terrain (still in quarantine at that moment) so I freaked out.
But in the afterthought I think the chick was to young (it was 3 1/2 weeks old on symptoms onset) and might have had issues from the parent linage, as it was the only one that hatched from the same batch of 12 eggs. The others dying in egg. They were postal ordered eggs, so I don't know anything about the ancestors apart two photos.

Now I have a dozen chicks and chicken from 1 week to 2 years currently, who were in the same spaces like the one who died, so I monitored closely all other birds. I found no signs similar up to now (the chick fell ill about 3 weeks ago now) except:

I lost my 3-year old rooster last weekend, he had not the same symptoms and died within 24h after first symptoms (letharigic, no appetite, blue comb) so, maybe it was coincidence or maybe the same illness pushed him over a edge. I didn't know he was ill, he seemed completely fine and behaved normal. I discovered that he had lost significant weight, nearly starved, but showed no signs of illness before he deteriorated so quickly.

The 4 chicks who have hatched with the ill one (but not from the same source) are fine and thriving.
So no, for the moment I'm not convinced it was Mareks. For a moment it looked like avian encephalitis, but there also, no real paralysis, just incapacity to control balance and coordination. Both wings and legs moved when I lifted her up.

Hope yours pull through!

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