Do the halters come in different colors?
Yep! She custom makes each halter so you can choose for it to be a solid color or one main color with a second color braided together in the noseband. It’s hard to tell in the light, but Drago’s I had her make in navy with green added to the nose band. Ronin got a solid black one since she’s my husbands horse and he loves black. Then apple got a burgundy one with green braided into the nose band. They are $30 each plus shipping which I didn’t think was too bad. Here is the link to her Etsy store 👉
Yep! She custom makes each halter so you can choose for it to be a solid color or one main color with a second color braided together in the noseband. It’s hard to tell in the light, but Drago’s I had her make in navy with green added to the nose band. Ronin got a solid black one since she’s my husbands horse and he loves black. Then apple got a burgundy one with green braided into the nose band. They are $30 each plus shipping which I didn’t think was too bad. Here is the link to her Etsy store 👉
Thanks! I wonder if cici wants one?!
Well the yearlings have both figured out how to not only unlatch the gate, but also how to leverage it right off of the hinges. I had to go re-do the gate and reverse the hinge so they can’t just pop it off. I think they have been watching too much Pirates of the Caribbean. Meanwhile little Apple stole a hammer out of my husband’s tool belt while my husband was running water lines to the stock tanks. Anyone ever watch a grown man try to disarm a pony wielding a hammer?🤣
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Well the yearlings have both figured out how to not only unlatch the gate, but also how to leverage it right off of the hinges. I had to go re-do the gate and reverse the hinge so they can’t just pop it off. I think they have been watching too much Pirates of the Caribbean. Meanwhile little Apple stole a hammer out of my husband’s tool belt while my husband was running water lines to the stock tanks. Anyone ever watch a grown man try to disarm a pony wielding a hammer?🤣
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Haha sounds like the horses are taking over! 😂 😂 😂
Well the yearlings have both figured out how to not only unlatch the gate, but also how to leverage it right off of the hinges. I had to go re-do the gate and reverse the hinge so they can’t just pop it off. I think they have been watching too much Pirates of the Caribbean. Meanwhile little Apple stole a hammer out of my husband’s tool belt while my husband was running water lines to the stock tanks. Anyone ever watch a grown man try to disarm a pony wielding a hammer?🤣
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Ever have a horse that likes being brushed so much that he pulls the mane brush out of the tack box and holds it until you use it? My mane brush is covered in tooth marks! He also steals hats and jackets. One of the others likes to try to take the flag and lunge whip. Max isn't half so silly and monkeyish as the others, but he loves to play in water and splash around.

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