Chick missing top beak

Thank you! He or she (I think I have a little hen personally) is doing well. Feathers are coming in. She picks at the medicated crumbles and drinks on her own but I am still supplementing with a mix of items including egg yolk, apple sauce, and medicated crumbles. I’m also giving vitamin water daily. She’s growing and eats pretty good from a syringe. I’m hoping she will not need that forever but I’m in for the long haul. She is so sweet that I’m smitten and will do whatever I need to for her ❤️
You’re doing everything right. Caring for a special needs bird is a huge responsibility, and your efforts are appreciated… she appreciates you, and all of us following your journey with her, appreciate it as well. 🥰 I’ve raised birds with special needs, so I know the amount of time and care that goes into it. The bond you’re forming with her is a very special one. What is her name?
You’re doing everything right. Caring for a special needs bird is a huge responsibility, and your efforts are appreciated… she appreciates you, and all of us following your journey with her, appreciate it as well. 🥰 I’ve raised birds with special needs, so I know the amount of time and care that goes into it. The bond you’re forming with her is a very special one. What is her name?
Thank you 🤗. I have been calling her Boo and sweet baby. I’m not 100% sure yet on the name but I’m leaning towards Boo. She’s not as big as her siblings but she’s quite squirmy and energetic. She has taken to the syringe very well. She eats about the same amount most of the time but sometimes she seems ravenous and eats twice as much. I just finished feeding her and she promptly pooped on my chest 🤣. I’ve had the best luck feeding her some medicated crumbles all ground down like a powder mixed with fresh egg yolk from the current days collection.
Thank you 🤗. I have been calling her Boo and sweet baby. I’m not 100% sure yet on the name but I’m leaning towards Boo. She’s not as big as her siblings but she’s quite squirmy and energetic. She has taken to the syringe very well. She eats about the same amount most of the time but sometimes she seems ravenous and eats twice as much. I just finished feeding her and she promptly pooped on my chest 🤣. I’ve had the best luck feeding her some medicated crumbles all ground down like a powder mixed with fresh egg yolk from the current days collection.
Thank you for the update on Boo! ❤️ So happy to hear she’s doing so well. I imagine that’s a very spoiled baby chicken. 🥰 I look forward to hearing more about her as she grows.

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