
  1. F

    Injured Duck Advice Please !

    Hello ! I’ve stumbled upon this website while searching for some advice on what to do in my situation. I want to start with some background info before I discuss the scenario I’m in. I live around a large body of water and the neighbors from across the pond bought ducks from tractor supply about...
  2. McLovin_

    What's happening with the geese in my yard?

    Hello everyone bit of a long story but I have some questions about a pair of geese in my backyard (I don't know much about geese). My backyard has a fairly large pond with a little island in the middle about the size of an average room in a house. Ever since I was a little kid a pair of geese...
  3. I

    Help! Duck with broken leg/ Injury

    My duck named Gracie had his leg stepped on by accident, he didn't really scream or squil when it happened. He is crawl and he won't move much. There is no bleeding. How do I treat him? Will it heal on it's own? Can he die from a broken leg? I sadly can't afford to take him to the vet (it's at...
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