keeping quail

  1. How to take care of coturnix quail egg-end of life.

    How to take care of coturnix quail egg-end of life.

    It all starts when you collect or buy your eggs, you decide to eat or incubate them. Eating them is good but incubating them into little fluff balls is even better. First things first you’re going to need an incubator that is reliable. If you don’t know about it yet always do a test run without...
  2. Button Quail 123

    Can Coturnix Quail Be Kept Outdoors In Winter?

    Hey everyone, I was just wondering, could Coturnix Quail be kept outdoors (in Illinois) during winter? They would obviously need some sort of shield to block from wind, snow, etc., but would they need a heat lamp? Any special extra-protein diet? I probably won't be getting any Coturnix for a...
  3. T

    Rookie quail keeper

    I need information about two breeds of coturnix quail. For the italian one bred for eggs. And for the recessive white of Texas (a & m). I want to know if I can keep only two females, if they are highly stressed when they see a cat out of their cage, if they are people friendly, if they can...
  4. Getting Started In Raising And Keeping Quail

    Getting Started In Raising And Keeping Quail

    Just What Are Quail? Quail is a collective name for several genera of mid-sized birds in the order of Galliformes. Old World Quail, or quail native to Europe and Asia are found in the family Phasianidea. And the New World Quail, or...
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